My 1st COmic

if theres an x then click it………
if you still cant read……….
uh yeah……….
throws comp into garbage can**

15 thoughts on “My 1st COmic”

  1. All the cropped parts and stuff really confuses me and makes my head hurt. Looks good though!


  2. You could at least make the outlines of the sep pics clearer . . . i just watched 20 eps of bleach inna day so my eyes arent the best ><

    And i agree, I have no idea what its trying to convey.

  3. I think, after staring at it for the better part of 5 minutes, that I figured out the order that the panels are supposed to go. And I think I just wasted 5 minutes of my life, since there doesn’t appear to be a point other than saying, “HIHI!” *jump up and down*”

    I also find it strange that the first few comments all say, “Amazing!” when no one else seems to get it. So the moral of the story is:

    You really shouldn’t use multiple accounts to boost up your blog’s popularity.~<3

  4. cool man!
    Write more, or make more, i like it. Hey, can you do one on your assasin?
    you pick. Mizura or Thiefmelody,

  5. Fantastic.
    Make more.
    Hey hey, how do you make them?
    I know the screen shot part but,

  6. Is you comic trying to enforce that the skinning and then murdering of small woodland critterse is acceptable just to get a fur hat? Are you suggesting the murder of thousands of toddlers?!?! I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU COMIC’S ABOUT!

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