Subis Story – Part 2

Rose’s fear of Gollems was a mystery to me, I decided to seek some spiritual guidance from the Dark Lord.
He informed me that she was afraid of big monsters because it was a big monster which caused the death of her father, some time ago.
With a compassionate sigh, I went back to training.

I have grew alot since the beginning of my adventure, but still have a long way to go before becoming a legend.
I decided to travel the distant grassy planes to a place where snow fell heavily, all the time.
A land of mystery, yet to be fully discovered by the hand of man, a mystical land with so many untold secrets.

A long journey lies ahead of me, hazardous, with the risk of death on my shoulders I have found that my only friends are my Claw and my Stars. The cold hit me, as I walked further down the Tower, the bone chilling breeze was getting to me more and more.
With another two floors out of the way, I had arrived. It was actually hard to see my hand infront of my face, with the snow blowing past. The coldness made me vulnerable, the snow hitting me was cutting into me like serrated blades. “I WILL carry on,” I tell myself.. “Nothing will stop me from achieving my goal.”
On I travel, as I was getting higher up the mountain I felt the storm getting harsher. That was.. until I laid my eyes on a mysterious door which appears to be leading inside the mountain. I remembered my masters words as I was a young rogue, “Curiousity kills the cat.” He said. I guess you could say I’m crazy, crazy isn’t the word. I prefer over-determined.
I was in an unusual place, a dreary forrest of whithered oak trees surrounded me. I saw a bleak outline of another human and decided to ask them for help, with a slight tap on the shoulder, the person turned around.. I suppose it WAS a human, one day.. I had been mistaken, thinking it was a human now though.
‘It’ stared at me, flesh hanging from its face, maggots hanging out its eye-sockets, it advanced on me. I stepped back quick, and threw stars at it aggresively. An intoxicating green mist emerged from its mouth knocking me into a dizzy yet mobile state. I was about to run, when an icy cold geyser stopped me dead in my tracks. That’s it.. I was dead meat, about to join the rest of the Zombies.
I closed my eyes, so I didn’t have to watch the blood spray from me, when it bit me. With it’s rotten teeth milimetres away from my neck, it suddenly let out a disappointed groan and fell to the floor. Although, I was still in a bad way, I was now safe…
I closed my eyes as a sparkling green flash glistened brightly.. I felt good, as I clambered up to my feet I saw her again, it was Rose.. she always seems to be there in the nick of time, she’d healed me when I needed it the most and for that I am thankful. With the combined abilities of me and rose, we could easily defeat the Zombies in the forrest and gain great amounts of experience. From that point, we were inseperable.


Part 1 and 2, were originally written together, so don’t think I did them both today. xD.
I actually -THOUGHT- that I posted this earlier, but I seemed to be mistaken.
Look out for part 3, coming soon. Not too soon though.
And personally.. I strongly recommend reading part 1, before reading this.


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