wouldn’t search bars be GREAT?

Wouldn’t search bars be great?

I mean ,say you just found a GREAT story with many chapters ,and you couldn’t finish the whole series before bed.SO you just exit the window hopping that the blog will still be on the front page where you would see it.

[Next Day]

It’s computer time for you! You go to MMO and you look at the front page,hopping to see the great story there.As you look on and on,you can’t find the story because some other blogs pushed the story off.

If you didn’t save the story ,or the link to the story anywhere,wouldn’t it be easier for us to just type in keywords of the story in a SEARCH BAR on mmo rather than looking all over the place for the story?

2 thoughts on “wouldn’t search bars be GREAT?”

  1. yeah that would be great. . . .

    if that blog ‘s been pushed off i just check everysingle blog on mmo about maple and do ctrl + f. after i found the blog i’d add that person to my friends list =)

  2. MUCH BETTER! I wish they had a GOOD AND WELL MADE search bar soon. I hope this website is not finished.

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