I bet you’re wondering, as I so often do, ‘Where the heck did Mip disappear to?’ Well, today, I have your answer. As I so often do.
Dear friends, these past few months, have been quite.. cruel. My mother has been acting, quite badly, I must say. After months of avoidance and constantly being out of the house, I decided it was time to go. So, I did what any 19-year old would do. Took up my best friend’s offer of moving out, and got an apartment. (By the way, I have NO clue where I came up with the title. Sounds like pretty cool ‘engrish’ lyrics, no?)
BUT YES, even though that’s not really a complete excuse for my absence from my duties, it’s the best I can come up with. Don’t like it? Deal with it. (Actually, I’m surprised ya’ll haven’t replaced me yet. >_>
But in the end, I’m really proud of ya’ll. Even without Steel-Whip Mip to delete a bunch of blogs, you all did a great job keeping the site together and a very literate and happy community. Rock on, people.
Keep on, keeping on, okay? I can’t guarantee I’m going to be sticking around, although I’ll try, my mornings are packed with school, my afternoon/evenings with work. So, there’s limited time. All I can do is try, right?
Maybe I’ll post another chapter of my story before I go on hiatus again. You never know. Anywho, that’s the update of my life. And, to add a little MMO-ness into there, just so I don’t break my own rules (even though I haven’t really played recently), I tried getting into Silkroad, and.. it was rather depressing. I just wasn’t feeling it. The fact that you have to click things multiple times to attack, and just the general gist of it wasn’t doing it for me. Graphics were about average, attacks were a little better than average, sound a little below. (Gotta admit though, that auto-potions function is pretty darn neat.)
I also tried getting back into training again on MS, but that was an absolute bust. I mean, hackers, EVERYWHERE. I just. Can’t. Handle. It. When the hackers are gone (or at least contained), call me. I’ll come back to MS. Till then, I’ll stay with my Audition SEA.
So, you there, I ask you a simple question. What do you look for in a MMO? What makes it all worth it to you? Tell me, your ideas, your stories, your experiences; I’m listening. <3
Ready, Set, GO~!
(P.S: If you live in Seattle, I’d appreciate it if you’d go to some middle school tomorrow night to fill goodie bags for Sakura-con and vote for the mascot I drew. >w> The details are here. (Like the third news entry down.) And my entry is here. Wish me luck~!)
(One more thing: I’ve gotta kill Cappie-chan for destroying the front page with his goofy ad trying to get us to sign up for some site called ‘profil3.com . DON’T JOIN. It’s stuuuuupid. >_> Maybe if nobody joins, they’ll take it off smack dab in the middle of the website. Good job.)
WEEEE Mip finally writes a bloggie!
A wait mintue . Does this have anything to do with MMO ? * Stares suspiciously *
I will always remember you, even when you have passed (even thought I’ll probably end up dead in the next 2-4 weeks for reasons unknown). *coughpirkid!*cough*
Repty, I knewwww you’d think of something lovely like that. So I wrote all the MMO-related stuff just for you. Please refer to paragraphs five and six.
Yah, it mentions Silkroad which I think is an MMO or the trading path that connects China to Europe in which they traded silk.
Yeppie! Yer back.
Yah, but profil3 has been going downhill since last month.
O my goodness~!
You live in seattle?!
I live in Tukwila D:
I used to live in Seattle. . . I attended Rainer View and Asa Mercer. . . I was supposed to go to Franklin High but moved to Tukwila.
What’s profil3?
(Mainly because it went downhill 2 days after it’s launch.
Well, no one did replace you, it would be impossible. :3
EDIT: What’s with the happy starship?. . .
EDITEDIT: Nice drawing, :3
Hooray, salvage has arrived!
Bye bye stupid Profil3 advertisement!
Profil3 will never enter MMOT’s league; the name already signifies illiteracy -.-
But I don’t think Profil3 will be abandoned either. Captain pasted his dumb propaganda all over Basil.
*Hiss!* This blog is only 6 now 5 likes away from tying mine!
But then mine’s 10 away from fpooned’s. >.>
My blog shall remain the 2nd Most Liked on the page for now! People! Read my work at once!
Sweet picture.
Lol. I play Audition too. What’s your level?
I miss your story Mip.