Not So Much.

So, I’m sitting here in my school’s library, writing a 7-page essay on Dr. Kevorkian’s fiendish antics, and I decide to take a break to scan the MMOT bloggies, and I see one that catches my attention. This is for all you kiddies out there that spout that 2x exp cards are hacking:

Suck it up.

As much as you whine, and complain (trust me, from the one time I logged onto MS in the past year, I got it left and right), 2x exp cards are legit. Just because you don’t have enough money to get them doesn’t mean that they should be banned. But ultimately, we all knew it was gonna come to this. Nexon is out to make money. They’re not out to make you, or your little brother, happy. They just want to make monies (that’s right, I said it), and games are the only way they can do it. We all knew when the cash shop came out that this was going to happen, it was only a matter of time.

Q:But why would they update with awesome things like the 4th class if they don’t love us, lolzorz?

A:Easy, people would lose interest if their weren’t constant new updates, and they wouldn’t spend more money on MapleStory.

Q:But why did they have to give out 2x exp when they could’ve just released new clothes? It doesn’t make the game fair! I don’t have any money for 2x because [insert explanation here]!

A:Because, clothes have been out for enough time that the market has basically settled to the hardcore clothes addicts, (you know, the ones who buy a new outfit EXACTLY every 90 days) and they needed a new revenue source.


A: Simply because they can. They know people will buy them to get ahead in the game, and that will force more people to buy them simply to avoid falling behind.

So. Nexon doesn’t love you. Quit’cher whinin’ and beg your mom for some Christmas monies so you too, can pay up to one of the biggest international money schemes ever.

Yes, this was the most random blog ever and no moosics for this blog since my sound card isn’t working, and I’m too lazy to go get it fixed.
Power to the people.

(P.S: Got a message from Cappie-chan today. I’m waiting for him to ban me for being too ‘demanding’. : D)
(And FYI, I’ve never used a 2x exp card. I r b 2 poor 2.)

44 thoughts on “Not So Much.”

  1. weee first like and comment yeye

    Mip said: “(P.S: Got a message from Cappie-chan today. I’m waiting for him to ban me for being too ‘demanding’. : D)”

    omgsh o.o

  2. Wow. . .
    He only comes here too announce Mips being too demanding. . .
    Maybe even not coming here. . .
    That $@%$*^%$(^%&$

  3. Butz de nu luvz us?!?1.111!1101101010111000101010101001010101l0ls?!`

    Right, Dont ban me plawkes?

    Yeah, Nexon is an AMERICAN corporations and in typicla AMERICAN fasion, money is to those who, something. Point is, you buy, they get. o.O

    *Feels like a suspension!*

    Edit: Sorry for page stretch >.>

  4. Well. . . I hated Nexon BEFORE it was cool to. F3

    And wow. Captain’s alive. I only know that by a single message he sent you about being too demanding.

    Here I was thinking he forgot about MMOTales. I wonder what Guru will say when I tell him this? XD

  5. I send him a PM every week, and this is the first one I’ve gotten in months. I guess it’s ’cause I got pissed and PM’d him on Profil3 too.

    captain said: ” Dec 04, 11:23am

    I get hesitant when someone “demands” anything (which you did). I’ll try to dos omething about the curse bypass, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

    Mipsacri said: ” Dec 03, 3:46pm

    Lol, then why, oh why, aren’t you taking the reports of cussing? Their is a bypass for the curse filter by using bold tags.
    Could I please have banning rights? I think I’ve proven myself over the year I’ve been here.

    captain said: ” Dec 03, 10:59am

    As I’ve said before, I check the site on weekdays. I look at all of them.

    Mipsacri said: ” Nov 29, 4:49pm

    Not sure the last time you read this, if ever, but here goes.
    I demand banning powers. I’ve sent you request after request for bans of people who are breaking the rules, and you simply ignore me.

    I’ve asked politely for a long time, and I’m done asking politely, I need ban powers to keep this site running. I need full control if you aren’t going to do your job around here.



  6. Wow. . .
    He really doesn’t give jack about this site. . .
    He’d really let it fall and burn. . .

  7. Mipsacri said: “I send him a PM every week, and this is the first one I’ve gotten in months. I guess it’s ’cause I got pissed and PM’d him on Profil3 too.

    captain said: ” Dec 04, 11:23am

    I get hesitant when someone “demands” anything (which you did). I’ll try to dos omething about the curse bypass, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

    Mipsacri said: ” Dec 03, 3:46pm

    Lol, then why, oh why, aren’t you taking the reports of cussing? Their is a bypass for the curse filter by using bold tags.
    Could I please have banning rights? I think I’ve proven myself over the year I’ve been here.

    captain said: ” Dec 03, 10:59am

    As I’ve said before, I check the site on weekdays. I look at all of them.

    Mipsacri said: ” Nov 29, 4:49pm

    Not sure the last time you read this, if ever, but here goes.
    I demand banning powers. I’ve sent you request after request for bans of people who are breaking the rules, and you simply ignore me.

    I’ve asked politely for a long time, and I’m done asking politely, I need ban powers to keep this site running. I need full control if you aren’t going to do your job around here.



    Mip just got told >O

  8. I know, riiiiiight? But I sent him one back. x3 Ya’ll might not have Steel Whip Mip much longer~


  9. Mipsacri said: “I know, riiiiiight? But I sent him one back. x3 Ya’ll might not have Steel Whip Mip much longer~


    If ya get banned, tell Capterain that Muffin wants to be a moderator <3

    Oh yah, add extra <3s to that

  10. Mipsacri said: “I know, riiiiiight? But I sent him one back. x3 Ya’ll might not have Steel Whip Mip much longer~


    W-T-F(sory but. . .)
    How can we have no mod at all even a mod that is away for a period of time there still is one. . .
    Take all mods away for good and then you get anarchy thus destroying the site. . .
    . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    That’s his game eh?

  11. Well, the actual cost to registering a domain name and keeping the site alive is 8 dollars and something cents, Considering this is a blog site only, it actually isn’t that expensive to run a site like this.

  12. eliteguard said: “Well, the actual cost to registering a domain name and keeping the site alive is 8 dollars and something cents, Considering this is a blog site only, it actually isn’t that expensive to run a site like this.”

    8~9 dollars, how often? Per month?

  13. Well, being one of the final symbols of authority, wouldn’t MMO Tales slowly deteriorate without Mip?

    Unless Cappy assigns a new one, which I feel doubtful about.

  14. Please calm down, Waffle. This isn’t really something to be infuriated about. You’ll be worrying about blood pressure wayyyy before your time.

    And, also, money runs this site. Without money, it doesn’t matter how many people are on this site and how great the members are – without Captain backing this site, MMOT is a goner. But really, we just enforced a cursing rule, so don’t get yourself banned because of a hasty comment on this type of subject.

  15. Methinks we’ll all just leave if Mip gets perma banned, Im pretty new, but Im not stupid to see that Mip is popular o.O

  16. Lol. I’m not popular. Just a mod, so people have to listen. >___>
    OKAY. NO more distraction time. I must finish this paper!

  17. thanks alot for backing me up, guys. i was afraid i was gonna be told off when i posted the 2xp blog

  18. ^ You’re right in that blog. No one in their wrong mind here would try to flame you for it. =P

  19. Uhh, Fenn, wouldn’t that be “right” mind?

    Unless you meant it as a bad pun.

    (PS: Cappie sucks. Powah to da peoplez! Democracy! Rawr~)

    History teacher’s lectures is actually finding its way into my brain 😡

  20. eliteguard said: “Well, the actual cost to registering a domain name and keeping the site alive is 8 dollars and something cents, Considering this is a blog site only, it actually isn’t that expensive to run a site like this.”

    that’s just domain

    there’s bandwidth and server cost and all that jazz

    i assume the 411 network is run on the same server or whatever

    i notice many of the times one site goes out they all do

  21. DD;

    mip I think u r a great mod

    I haven’t even seen (relativly speaking) this captain ;(

    someone make a new acc and tell him to stuff it

  22. Hey, if Mip gets bann’d, can’t she make another acct?

    Oh wait, then she wouldn’t be mod.

  23. Why does he keep this site going if he seems to be so uninterested in it? Why not just delegate authority to Mip and take a break?

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