After the V23 patch, i was so relieved. “No more hackers”, i thought. Well, boy was i wrong. Hackers are back, and at full throttle. I can’t go anywhere without being in the presence of a hacker. Yesterday i was trying to level from 54 to 55 at my usual place. When I was just about to Savage Blow a drake to death, and when i leaped at him.. He was gone. I looked all over, and the monsters were disappering, but no hacker to be found.
The day before i had found a hacker in the same place but her name was “steamedbread”, so i decided to track her to see if she was the culprit. I tracked her and BOOM! it said she was there, but when i looked all over the map, she was nowhere to be seen. The only solution i had to this was that she was in the wall.
I changed channel, and finished leveling at another place. Then i went to HHG 1, to mess around in my noob gear. Guess what happend? Slimes, snails,Mushrooms were all flying all over the place. Hackers! The crazy thing is that everyone remained calm. They even grouped up in the corner to gang up on the hackers spawn. The hacker a lvl “5 beginner” danced happily on the mushrooms, getting Missed everytime.O_O
There are adverts on megaphones all the time, “”.. Seems like everyone out there in bera is a hacker now adays. When will the madness stop!? I want to be able to train in peace, what is the fun of maple if you take the easy road out. I want to be proud of myself for all the hard work i put in, all the time i spent getting to where i am today. I just want it all to stop.
I agree wit u completely, some guy was hacking at terrace hall yesterday, and 1 month be4 i saw at land of wild boar 2
also my bro saw hackers at stirges in ant tunnel(khaini) it sux