Mapler by Day, Honor Student by Night

I leeeevellled again. I’m so proud of myself. Yep, so I’m now level 31. Yes, I do realize that it’s 11 at night and that I have a test tommrow. But I’ve gotta finish that sauna quest soon…

Maple fever is catching on again in my group of friends. Givvie’s mom made her stop, though…apparently she plays too much. Then there’s Kiwi (Kikalika), who plays when I play. And her sister, Em (Emzers), who also plays when I play. And Kiwi got our friend Ji (LuckyJiBi) to join, and she’s now a level 8 magician. Who has decided that she shall try to kill pigs and DIE about 15 times. Oh, and octopi, too. She wants to kill octopi. Jeanie (SakuraDrifts) plays, and rabidly, although I did not know this until today, actually. Bunny (hikari10) QUIT, and now I shall go howl at her to come back.

Bleh. I’m managing to keep up my A (YES! A!!) average, even now that my mom’s away and massive testing (PSATs! PSATs!!) is going on, geometry is the bane of my mathematical existance, and the fact that as soon as I get home, I turn on my computer and go maple until dinnertime. And yet, I manage to get As on all these tests…

Well, actually, it’s more like I maple, then I check Blackboard (which is the site that all our teachers post their stuff we have to do on), and freak out because we have a test the next day, and like now, I cram until 12 at night. Apparently, this works for me. And apparently, lack of sleep and coffee and too much anime club makes me ramble on like this for a while. Hm. There should be a catagory for rambling. Or does that go under ‘Rant’ and/or ‘Thoughts’?

Either way, I’m very proud of myself. Level 31. Kya. WhaddaItrainonnow?

7 thoughts on “Mapler by Day, Honor Student by Night”

  1. My college uses Blackboard too. XD It’s a bish to use though, imo. >>; It really hates Mozilla.

    Nice job keeping up the grades. I find it near impossible to make both my studies and my Mapling obsession co-exist peacefully, so I always have to abandon one for the other some time or the other. XD

  2. My university used WebCT for some time, then switched to Blackboard.

    I liked WebCT more. ;-;

    Be careful with the grades, MS sucks you in sometimes. o.o;

    Luckily, I’m done with college for now. MS BONANZA!

  3. D: You lucky thing, you Ganache. T_T I still have yet to finish the semester exams, so guess which time-consumer of mine has to be abandoned right now? XD

  4. uhm i trained on eaither of these monsters

    curse eyes<– great for training AND the 999 quest
    teddy bears
    cherry blosso ms AKA sakuras but ONLY the ones in orbis near cloud thingy NOT the darker ones

    i usually pick one that cooberates with a quest or just super train as most of those habve exp getting in the 50s =D

    but hten again im a str bandit maybe our hits and attack is diff i dunno but at least try ja?


  5. I never study either, and still manage to get pretty decent grades. *cough100%shalfofthetime*

    And I STILL can’t play Maple! :[
    What kind of geometry, btw? I’m in a geometry class, but I dunno, it’s prob’ly just a lot of the basic, simpler stuff (’cause it’s pretty easy ) (even though my teacher SAYS it’s a high school level class! Nyah nyah~)

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