A Tale of War : 2

Mike charged the Crimson, no way to tell how strong this one was, totally black, and reminded him of the creature from Ludibrium… could it have been she had created both of these?

Mike charged at the creature “Thunder Charge” Mike ran off the walls, twisted his body, and slashed the Barlog, the positioning was perfect Final Attack. After this barrage the Crimson was still unharmed, Mike hit the ground and prepared for charge blow.

The Barlog screamed, black lightning fell out of the sky, Mike managed to dodge it all, and the Barlog shot black orbs. Mike slashed one of the orbs, he ducked under another and he slashed on headed for his head. The Crimson began to look weird, Mike remembered this wasn’t a normal crimson barlog, its arms extended out and attempted to catch Mike. “Thunder Charge” Mike prepared to destroy the arms, but they went back in. Mike ran towards a wall, he leapt off it flying towards the Crimson, it was not scared it was the King of the Sky. The Crimson shot out energy balls, Mike twisted his body, dodged all four energy balls, and slashed off one of the Crimsons wings.

The Crimson landed on the ground with Mike, it was preparing to attack, “Fire Charge” Mike charged, that was all he needed. He lifted the sword and smashed it down, the Crimson blocked the sword, and slashed Mike with its claws, and Mike got thrown to the ground. Still gasping for breath, this Crimson was completely different, Mike charged. The Crimson shot 4 Energy balls, Mike slashed one, jumped in the air, slashed two, then hit the ground heading for the Crimson, the last energy ball was behind Mike, chasing him down, the black orb hit Mike from behind causing him to fall to the ground.

Mike leapt up, he was hurt but he could still fight, “Fire Charge” Mike began walking towards the crimson, it wasn’t over yet, he raised his sword, he almost kneeled down as he dropped himself to the ground, from this position Mike sprinted. The Crimson began to charge too, this time is different Mike put all of his energy into this attack, the sword swung, and the Crimson blocked; its hands began to shake. Mike put more energy, the Crimson put all of its energy into this block, Mike stepped back and pulled the sword in, the power made it swing down, but the position was perfect. Final Attack, the Crimson began to disappear.

Daniel and Jenna got off the boat, they would make sure everything goes perfectly to plan, but the fact was Mike was supposed to lose to the Crimson. “Daniel go take care of Mike” Jenna found an interest in the newer members of Mikes team.

One thought on “A Tale of War : 2”

  1. Finishing part 3 now ;D its probably the best of A Ware Tale (so far) if theres a demand ill realese it quickly, if not ill just save it up and realese it tueday or something.

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