Alright, it’s Metrolink storytime. However, before I get anywhere, I’d like to say instead of studying for Physiology today, I was toying around with my desktop and… I made something NEW! Yeah, it took quite a bit of time to figure out (disregarding the theme, which I got off Firefox’s compilations to use as a basis). I know, I know. Procrastination is bad, but we all do it. I’m gonna get crackin’ after this blog.
This story is based on an acquaintance of mine who let Maple “love” get the best of him.
Her name was Mei. I didn’t know her. I didn’t know a thing but when I saw that smile, that beautiful smile, I could not resist. I asked myself, “How does her F2 face look different from everyone else’s?”
I didn’t know. After a few foolish attempts of trying to garner her attention, she finally gave me a look. I was hoping she’d smile but she called me, “Noob” and left. Never in my life have I felt so cherished. She talked to me. SHE TALKED TO ME!
Interestingly enough, I saw her again the next day. This time, however, she was looking lonely. She had a matchcards room opened up that said, “Why…?” So I decided to join in, though I thought she wouldn’t be there. However, to my surprise, she greeted me. Her simple salutation, “Hi” made me feel so warm. After a long talk, I realized that she plays the game as an escape from her father, who sexually abuses her.
We soon became friends and it was great. We did everything together and we cherished every single moment. Though, cliché, she told me she shared my feelings by the sunset. It was beautiful, and she was too. However, I soon found out she already had an affair with someone else AND that she was still a child. I was heartbroken. I truly was.
The next morning, she tries to contact me, saying I’ve got it all wrong. I tried to ignore her but I couldn’t help myself. She had me at her death grip. She was going to kill me once more. But to my dismay, she told me she broke up with her current boyfriend for me. Relief sprung up my chest as I was once myself again. I don’t care how old she was or what she meant to anyone else. I loved her.
A year passed and we stayed strong, even though she was caught with other guys doing despicable things that I cannot describe. We decided to get married and I decided that after high school, that I would move down to where she lived in order to spend the rest of our lives together.
After the marriage, I was ambushed by a group of Hermits and Mages who were superior than me. I was beaten down to a pulp. If I was defeated that easily, then I wouldn’t be able to protect her. I asked my friend for help and he introduced me to a thing called “hacks”. I tried it and it felt SO GOOD. I started becoming harder, better, faster, and stronger. Eventually, Mei got fed up with me and started dating other men. She dated seven men secretly (I counted) while dating with me simultaneously. She was just trampin’ around from town to town by taking advantage of my obliviousness. Heck, eventually she even got fed up with my blindness and got the cops to take me out for my “hacking”. However, Mei was caught for selling rings and slime slippers under the law so we both were sent straight down to Hell by the jury. That was my last time seeing Mei.
I’ve been in Hell for quite a while now. I’m not sure if Mei’s here or not, but I’ve been looking for her since my arrival. I won’t be giving up though. Heaven, Hell, or Earth. I will always love her.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lame. Connotative. But hey, it’s almost 2 AM. Cut me some slack. Anyway, to be honest with you, I was talking to this acquaintance of mine a few hours ago. What a guy. He refused to tell me what happened between him and “her”, but I couldn’t really care less. He just gave me something to write about, and I guess I can appreciate him for that.
Anyway, I have one question to ask. Is “love” definable through a game such as Maple Story? My answer to this is no, but hey, everyone has different views on “love”. But hey, I never tried dating in ANY form with this game, so I don’t really have proof or anything. Another opinion, I guess.
Oh, I used the last of the Maple Points I acquired last January (when Nexon took full control). Yeah, I used it on… this.
Interesting story.
All I can say is that I’ve tried the online thing before and it failed MISERABLY. Unless there’s a chance of actually meeting, it’s pretty much just something to amuse yourself with. For giggles. Any attempt to take it seriously is only going to be met with dissapointment.
The story was incredibly unique, and it kept me reading, unlike most stories.
Great job.
[2nd comment:]
I don’t believe in love, but I found an NX w[hore] online, and it turns out she’s a really, really, really hot asian.
How do I know this? Myspace. Go me.
I don’t believe in love, but I found an NX w[hore] online, and it turns out she’s a really, really, really hot asian.
How do I know this? Myspace. Go me.
It’s love, not lust. But who the hell cares? It’s fun.
Great job.
Oh, and thanks for the compliment. I really appreciate it. My writing becomes pretty debilitated as the night progresses onto morning. I ended up sleeping at 4:30, too.
You got AIM? MSN? MySPACE?
I have AIM and Myspace, though I don’t use Myspace anymore.
I’m more of a Facebook kind of guy.
AIM, yay.
Yay Facebook!
i don’t think “love” can be nurtured from the internet. “affection” can, but “love” cannot. Because you really don’t kno who that person is and how can you prove that everything said is true!? I don’t want to appear so cynical and pessimistic, lol, i’m writing too much!
I was just reading your story, and just reading it,
I had one before and i was devastated when i woke up from my dream,
– VanillaPocki –
@esteleonin: Hello there, long time no see. I still remember when I used to lurk around here and see your name everywhere.
Welcome back.
I was just reading your story, and just reading it,
I had one before and i was devastated when i woke up from my dream,
– VanillaPocki -“
People tend to be a lot more impulsive with their infatuations on Maple Story.