Lame excuses for why u play maple story

I been in winda for a moth now and I here very lame excuse why people play maple story. I hear lame my parents make me play this game.
These are excuse for people who just are noob. Here some some reson why this is a lame excuse.
1.Parents pervent ufrom playing games
2.How whould ur parenst know about this game it’s only been out for only about a year.
3.Only what 1 out 100,000 kids parents would let u play games.

The Ponit is this i a dumb excuse so stop useing it!

4 thoughts on “Lame excuses for why u play maple story”

  1. o.O Um, no one yells out excuses, the game is simply fun to play, it’s a place to meet friends (And bug them).
    People don’t make excuses about playing a game, unless, of course, it’s Chutes and Ladders, then, it’s just scary
    But when have you heard someone just go, “ZOMG I ONLY PLAY MAPLE CAUSE MY PARENTS TELL ME TO”
    Seriously, what world do you play, I’d like to see this for myself, I could use a good laugh.

  2. Yeah. I don’t even know why an exclamation will make you feel irritated. But maybe, the parents are just miserly and don’t want to pay to let their kids play, so they go, ‘You want to play a game? Play Maple then, it’s free.’ Unlikely, but still possible, so.

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