Well i’ve been PQing again. I need to PQ for mesos… Mesos=Zakum helmet and crap… Well i’m getting a iTCG box and a couple more NX cards. I need mesos. My craving has gone beyond craving.
Currently bidding on those. As of now 10:14 PM PST 11/14/2007, I am winning the auctions and having to spend 50 million mesos on them. It’d make me godly.. I love that raw feeling of power. An extra 8 dex boost and a 2 attack more then i’ve planned out. Doesn’t matter at level 50 i’ll still be godly even without those items… But still, those are far to awesome to miss out.
I’ve been Ludi PQing again. I found a decent party. Too bad it was 1 party quest. It was quiet and effeicent. Everyone pitched in to help. When I got the theif portal no one complained. There was 1 mage so whatever. Even stage 8 went fast and easy. We finshed just after 15 minutes no smuggle.
I also leveled up again. PQing to 90% leveling up off training.
Here are some pictures.
Last picture. Pimpelnel broke her Zakum helmet with a 30% INT for helmet scroll. Ouch.
Life rant.
Why is life sucking? I feel as of wanting to die almost every second of my life. MapleStory is getting very depressing. That was the only thing that use to make me happy. But now no happiness. Why can’t my parents frick off already? There so annoying. I’m getting the grades. Why are my once friends insulting me now? Just because those freaking popular kids do? Because I like Pokemon? Because of being dubbed “Gay” in 5th grade? Seriously what’s wrong with this world. It’s corrupted. Failing on the current society. I hate it, people have no common sense and are friggin idiots. I make a smart comment and get called a retard. I make one sound and is told to shut up. People make stupid retarded comments and are commented postively by students, they scream and shout and no one tells them to shut up. What is this? Yeah I have friends, a family, a house a food to eat, but this is getting depressing. I’ve read stories about people like me. They go suicidal.
/end rant.
Self pity is pathetic. Flame please. Sorry, this is the only place I can rant.
Aww. In the latest tournament of Ninja Warrior, everyone was wiped out by the Salmon Ladder. Even still, only two people made it to the second stage. Nooo! Bunpei and Makoto! D:
Oh man. =/ Congrats on all that! That’s exciting and you better watch out for the yellow Napoleon! People already bet after you.
If you ever feel like talking Aaron–just message me via MSN or whatever =/
I know how you feel man, i almost died on monday. And now sometimes i wish that i did instead of living to suffer.
Cheer up. Things aren’t always going to stay like this. If Maple can’t make you happy, find something else. Harder than it sounds, of course, but there is always that possibility.
People always talk about wanting to die; they forget about those that want to live, but can’t. Those people that go suicidal; you sure they made the right choice? I take more pride in outlasting the challenges than giving up, because I know they will be over one day.
Lets die together.
*holds your hand*
I’ve been through that suicidal omgfakuallyouallsucklickmaibawlz! Phase.
I was going to run away though.