A blog with stuff inside

Hey remember how I was level 40? NOW I’M LEVEL 42@@@@ (Leveling Today)

Uhh equips
19 dex suana robe
7 dex snow shoes
31 attack maple claw –> (Upgrade)–> 35 kayadayo (level 43)—>Upgrade 43 attack Sapphire slain.
Fallen leaf earrings—> Upgrade—> 10 dex half moonstone (levle 45)
8 attack work glove
and red maple dana (upgrade) Zakum helmet (level 50)

By this time I would have 57-61 dex boost added onto me (depends on Zhelm).

Uhh i’ve been merchanting a lot. Buying srolls from 100k-1M below price, reselling 300k above normal. It works I get money. I have all those equips+45Million mesos. Not much but it’ll do… I guess (pending on where to buy Zhelm) Might get one for free from guilds that my friends are in ;].

Uhh What else?

I’ve been PQing. and I met this awesome girl. She pwns. I love her. Don’t tell her. I named my pet after her. She knows… I even bought her a Crush ring :]. We call each other everyday. Looks like Aaron’s in love =O….


(I quit Windia. Playing Kardia as SavageMudkip. I changed my name (name change scroll) from

2 thoughts on “A blog with stuff inside”

  1. How dare you quit Windia?!
    You stole the last part from me D<
    except for the PQing part(pqisthedevil)… The girl part(it’s not really female)… The pet part (too late to name my pet)… and the crush ring part (I can’t afford it right now T_T)… And the fact that I never typed it…
    You’re off my to do-err I mean guild list >=(

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