Rabid squirrels! Take cover!

Quick! Before they get you, head into the bunker with me!







Is it safe? Maybe we should turn on the lights and see…

AHA! I have set another trap for you! Do you honestly believe you were running from rabid squirrels? Those were only chipmunks on caffeine. >;O

Now as you may have noticed by now, I have set up many a traps to keep you where I want you. I have tied you up in a titanium-alloy rope and left you hanging above a pool of sharks. If you try to escape, you will fall into the pool and eaten by sharks. Then to make sure you’re not alive after they’ve gobbled you up, I’ll send eletrical currents through the pool to finish the job. Yes, this may kill the sharks, but they don’t have feelings.

Also, I have mounted machine guns on all possible exitways. There are also landmines and exploding gophers to obstruct your dash for freedom. I’ve also recruited clinjas to prevent you from even getting the slighest idea of escaping. I dunno why you would even attempt with all of these ridiculous– I mean elaborate traps to prevent you from ever seeing your friends and family again.

*cough* I’m also sitting in my lawn chair with a shotgun. *cough*





*temporarily passes out*

*regains consciousness*

*coughs up internal organs*

*puts organs back in body*

*sneezes out brain*

*leaves brain on ground*

Gawd~allergies are sure getting the best of me. D:

Hmmm… now that I have your attention, I guess it’s time to seriously begin the blog. No coughing or discussion of my geniusness. There is indeed much to talk about, so prepare yourself~~~~~~~~~~~~~!


Hmm… what have I gotten accomplished? Why this of course!

Did I get anything else accomplished? Why this of course! (sorry~no url for that)

Now that I’m level 42, I’mma go do do (lol~that’s a funny word to repeat ) the Icarus quest n’ get me a spiffy cape! >:Q







I’m trying to come up with evil emoticons that aren’t >, >, or > because the face always gets ruined. >.

What was that other thing I got accomplished but didn’t have a sexy link for? Why it was this! Err, deja vu. I got to LEVEL 51 ON MY PAGE WAZ UP NAOW BOYEE?!?!?

Between some hard-core PQ’uing my ass off and hard-core (I need some new extreme adjectives) training during the 2x EXP event, I finally opened a whole door of oppurtunities for my Sin and Page.

On my Sin I can get an Icarus cape… which isn’t really a whole bunch of oppurtunities. D:


Err, but on my page I can Orbis PQ! I tried that a few times *cough* failed miserabely at it. *cough* BUTT!

Butt’s an ugly word. D: I’ll have to stop randomly saying that.

But (that’s the right one) I am getting a hang of it. I know the first few stages and some of the fancy lingo used like:

RPQ = rush party quest
BPQ = barpecue– I mean boss party quest ^-^*

Umm… I also got fairly acquainted with the term “idiot”. It seems the other party members like to use it a lot when you screw up on certain things. That’s what the locals know me by– IdiotKatz

There was something else I was going to talk about…

Errrm, there was some glitches during the event. o.o
I was just randomly walking about and this happened. I also had a problems recharging my Tobis:

See this first.
Now see this.

It said I had none in stock. That’s exactly why I was fricking recharging them! The problem was resolved later though. It just seemd a bit stupid at the time. xP

I also have tails of hackers to tell! I went to KFT to do some quests after I was level 42, and I went on a reporting spree! It was pretty weird that every single hacker was a spearman. Actually it wasn’t pretty weird– that’s what hackers are these days.

This hacker was pretty funny. I saw the guy standing there and then I headed into the portal for a second, and when I came out he was hacking and then immediately cc’ed when I F6’ed him (that sounds perverted). He was afraid of me.

Rawr~ :X


Last PQ on Page (Btw it’s been ages since I’ve seen him level)

Lmao! It’s Jacky and Myron! I haven’t seen them in ages!

This is the end for you!


19 thoughts on “Rabid squirrels! Take cover!”

  1. But mister Mastercheeze sir, I thought you said in Chapter 5 Section F Subsection 7.23 in you guide, that you should never use titanium alloy rope with sharks. Then they can’t bite through the victim! Other than that, nice blog, but I can’t feel my legs.

    yeah lets see you catch me now

    lol your page sorta looks like my warrior

    ~LaZzz. . .

  3. would have extremely funny and snappy comment to your blog but
    history finals are calling me T___T

  4. The “you killed Ben Parker” screenshot made me laugh. Of course, there goes spoilers for some people.

  5. history final was so easy i want to scream
    everyone in class finished it within 28 mins and we have to spend 2 hours here
    what a total waste of time -___-
    you should get married
    cuz i missed aliyahroyals wedding which wouldve been cool to go to
    so now
    you have to get married so i can come to your wedding >=D
    i suggest gujju as she seems single
    and if she isnt you should just blow up her beau(<- eww i dont like that word)
    i bneed to attend a wedding darnit!
    so hurry up and get married

    -taps foot impatiently-


    i wouldnt forget to include this wonderful siggy >=D

  6. ur rediculous, man -___-

    I cant read it all, but the beginning rulz >.>


  7. lmfao!

    the last picture scares me though ._.

    Oh btw, you could use >:] instead of >:-)

  8. Of course! Why didn’t I think of the bracket evil smiley? >:]

    Hmm… >:}


  9. Rabid squirrles?! Fear not for I’ve come with enough cans of Chunky Soup and twinkies too last us at least a month. A few magazines and blow up dolls wont hurt either(it’s dark, we cant go out, it gets lonely!) Oh you were just joshin again, don’t you know that kind of playing around can get the world prepared for war! Is it too late to comment? Ahh well i’m a nooby MMOTaler.

  10. You’re right; it does get lonely. Good thinking about those dolls! 😮

    And I appreciate the comments anyway, random-kind-sir. xP

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