[MC] Wazzat?

Hahahahahaha! Not even Captain can stop me when it comes to kicking ass. I’m using me a proxy site that lets me do all the stuff I can do on a computer that isn’t FRICKING IP-BANNED FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER. (at a much slower pace however)

Wait… I don’t know if I can submit a blog yet. I know I just sent a reply to Varun. He seems to admire me. I’m a role-model, y’know? I make people look up to me. I am who young’uns aspire to be! KEEEEEEYILL WHITEY!

Okay, so I was thinking one night as I lay in bed: “Omfg, I can’t believe I had JPG backgrounds for my PNG remakes of my very first comics! Those aren’t truly better-quality versions at all!”

I was thinking since I have to do ctrl+print-screen to get SS’s in MS now, they’re all PNG when I paste them in Paint; not JPG like Scroll Lock would make ’em. Well, my Scroll Lock worked before I made those remakes, so I made them with JPG backgrounds. It got on my nerves that those remakes weren’t perfect, so I waited ’til the weekend to get to work on ’em. As of now, I have the first one remade, and there’s a perfect, 100% PNG file of it here. However, I don’t have the second one made. Instead, I made a little comic-majigger to pass the time. ‘Tis of a compilation of random bits that w/e whenever.

So now I present to you the main purpose of this blog! SHISHAW!

Enjoy my many hours of work… ENJOY THEM ALL!


14 thoughts on “[MC] Wazzat?”

  1. MasterCheeze said: “I am who young’uns aspire to be!”

    If they aspire to be insane, gun-waving narcissists. . .

    Pretty much, yeah.

  2. If I had balls of steal I would use them to help achieve world peace! o.0
    Uh, ya, twas a good edit but pretty simple if you ask me
    No offense or anything but you did whip this up quick you said
    Also the G’ma ain’t looking that great, you could have used a dark color so that no one would notice, any non bright color would have worked
    because her pic is small!
    Well, all in all good job!

    ~LaZzz. . .(Happy now, I read it!)

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