Ok well first I would like to properly introduce myself I am Massacrea or xSnoogins of Khaini. I have recently made this character and my old character a level 72 priest got immensly boring to train so i figured I would make a crossbowman since my friend was making a bowman. I am currently 31 (taking a break from grinding to write this since 2x exp is over)
I am usually a person who gets pissed off or goes insane when gets ksed and tries hard not to ks other classes. well yesterday i got some bad news (about my dad having cancer) anywho well i was training in Ant Tunnel 1 and i got a maple llama staff which i didnt know droped so someone else picked it up then was like “OMG what WHY DIDNT U PICK IT UPZZZZZ” I stated ” oh umm i didnt notice” not dwelling over it or really caring. i had been trying to play to keep my mind off of the bad news that had presented itself. He then dies and says he will give it to me so i sit there and wait… and wait.. and wait… so i get annoyed and agravated. it didnt bother me that he had my staff more that he lied to me when he didnt have to so i tracked him and found him in sleepywood but the second i see him he cc’s well a bit irked i continue to follow him. then i just go back to training.. ok so then he comes to ME and tryes to ks me. then i proceed to just lose it and annihilate every monster he kills for about 2 hours.. then he says fine ill give u the money i got for the staff… and then says he only has 57k and says hed “Show” me but he accidentaly put up 570k and i was more pissed for him lying and proceeded to ks him until he lost it and logged off. I felt bad later the next day and apologized about it and explained my situation.
Also i am making a video of my journey from bowman to sniper and i need some good songs… this will be a lengthy video so a few songs would be good a few peaceful and a few RAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT KILL ANNIHILATE!!! songs if you know what I mean.
Well im going to go level to 32 Goodbye MMOTales.
Sorry about your father.
GL on MMOtales!
Whatee what wha? I don’t get it.
Welcome to MMOTales
Dang . I’m the same level as you but I’m sure you’ll win me in no time
Hope you get through with your dad okay. My dad had cancer and it isn’t an easy road to walk on. Best of luck to you and your family.
And I HATEHATEHATE being KS-ed. If that guy just left it at that and walked off without promising to return your staff it would have been okay, but then he had to go and lie and cheat you. I hate people like that, who have nothing better to do than cause grief to others. Isn’t there already enough of it in this world?
Anyway good luck with your xbowman! Archers ROCK.
Welcome to MMOtales.
I think you might try to look over there for the songs. *points to ‘Heavy Metal’ box* :X
And I HATEHATEHATE being KS-ed. If that guy just left it at that and walked off without promising to return your staff it would have been okay, but then he had to go and lie and cheat you. I hate people like that, who have nothing better to do than cause grief to others. Isn’t there already enough of it in this world?
Anyway good luck with your xbowman! Archers ROCK.
Yes they do:]