
Hackers are becoming a real problem. Just last night, one of my fellow guild members was saying he was training at Clang and Lorang and that 19/20 channels had a hacker in each of those channels. It’s becoming so rediculous. The more there are, the more lag it creates in the game. We need to limit hackers, and do something about them. I can’t even train at Platoon Chrono’s in Ludibrium without a hacker invading and taking over the map. I can’t even train at all! It pisses me off. And I know for a fact that I’m not the only one who’s had it with hackers. They just ruin the game. They say they hack because they need money and want to gain levels fast. Lets take the hack that takes everything on the ground, I believe that’s the vac-hack? When a legit player gets a drop like half a map away and are trying to get to it, a vac-hacker comes in and takes that drop. It’s pathetic. Hackers are people who have no respect for others who are trying to train and get money. Ok, not ALL hackers are complete jerks, but 75% of them are. We need to find a solution for them.

5 thoughts on “Hackers…”

  1. play WoW. . Since christmas I’ve seen 1 hacker, who botted. I easily set up a ticket (way to talk to GM’s) and nearly 10 minutes later I was talking to a GM and now the botter is banned and I can finally grind xD Though I had to ban my best friend for becoming a botter :*(



    Don’t get involved in any flame wars .
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    [And don’t quote this. Its long. Quote and face the wrath of Oranges and Apples!]

    Too many hacker blogs .

    *Nods at you*

    There is a solution for clearing them all out .

    1.Kill them .

    2. Allow them back .

  3. To me I think that the hacker population is increasing and not decreasing. I highly doubt that the hackers will be put to a stop. >_>

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