It’s been a while since I posted in my blog, huh? Well, I’m back to post a double-rant blog that I need to get off my chest.
Glitch PQ: How much I HATE it
So I took a break from my Ranger to study for my finals (I hit Ranger three weeks ago, sorry for never posting about it. I forgot about my bloggy. D: ). I decided to come back yesterday for a while and again today and from there, I immedately noticed how much OPQ has gone downhill.
“J>GLITCH PQ@@@@@@@@”
“R>FOR GPQ@@@@@@@@”
“wut pq is this?” “Rush PQ” “EWWWWW GPQ IZ SO MUCH BETTR” *leaves party*
This glitch sickens me. I’m so glad I got to 70 in time, else I would have driven myself insane by forcing myself to grind to 3rd Job (I’m not much of a grinder, so bite me) because I can hardly PQ. I used to love OPQ, whether it was Rush or Boss, because I’d always lead, get in and usually do successful PQs. It’s how I went through 6x in a breeze. Now, it’s a pain just to get members who want to do a fair PQ.
I PQed today with some friends. I was leading and went to find one or two more and all I saw were people spamming for Glitch PQs. What makes it worse is that none of the people who weren’t shouting for it were Clerics or Spearmen, which were the classes we needed because my friends were all below 65. In case you’re all wondering, we PQed and failed miserably – twice – and I went from 24% to 17%.
This glitch better be patched soon. It disgusts me to no end – people are abusing an error heavily and some of them know that you can get banned for it. Even if you can’t, I still loathe it with a passion. It’s a way to gain EXP unfairly, it’s like a so-called “legit” alternative to hacking. You’re gaining quick and easy EXP without hacking, sure, but you’re still using a method that isn’t allowed. Smuggling itself isn’t even allowed. Who cares if no one’s been banned for it, it’s still unfair. Basically, I see the glitch as cheating. It just proves how lazy these Maplers are… to me, it’s just as bad as hacking.
Flame/correct me/whatever all you want, this is basically what I feel about this. I can’t stand cheating of any kind. Only kind of cheating I’ve done in MS (as far as I remember) was party with ACers (but that was back when I had no other choice because basically everyone used AC back then. I despise ACers as well, FYI) and KS a hacker (back when I didn’t know that it wasn’t allowed and thought I was doing some justice that way).
So; Screw OPQ, I’m not cheating my way to a good level. Screw cheaters, if I get in a party that wants to do GPQ, I leave. If something like this happens to Kerning/Ludi PQ, I quit PQing period unless I find people who are willing to do it fairly. I never thought I’d hate PQing this much now, I used to love it…
Earning Fame
One day, I put up a game in Henesys Ch 1 and went to bed. It said “Asking for fame is stupid. o.-” It was around the many game rooms that were all “FAME ME” and such. I woke up the next morning and looked at the replies I got. Some agreed with me, some disagreed and called me stupid. The one that caught my attention most, however, was one that said “so how do u have 147 fame?”
Apparently, there are people who think it’s impossible for one to earn over 100 fame. I’m a level 70 Ranger with 152 fame right now and I am proud to say that I earned every one. I have never asked for fame, never bought, never traded (unless someone famed me and I just fame them back as thanks). I’m a fair Mapler, I help out people who need it, I’m nice to everyone unless they aren’t nice to me and I defend others when they’re being harrassed, even complete strangers.
Is it so hard to believe that someone earned their fame when they have over a hundred of it without going “B>FAME 50K” even once?
– end rants
You posted this on Basil too, right?
I still don’t understand how people hate that glitch?
I LOVE IT! Even though I haven’t logged on Global for almost a year now.
There’s a glitch?
I did hear some people ranting on about it in Buddy chat, but as usual, I ignored them ;D
Someone gots to explain the glitch. Two rant blogs about it on MMOtales so far, and I still don’t get what it is.
Edit: Grats on the Ranger-ness!
And I haven’t bought a single fame either, but I did trade fame.
200+ fame, whee.
Congratulations on becoming a ranger.
I agree with you about the glitch PQ, & honestly those few people who join rushfull PQ’s I think it’s only because they don’t know what glitch PQ IS yet. I’m proud to say I’ve never glitch PQ’d, though I know how to do it and all. Yes, I do agree it is very unfair but most people think, “Pfft. GM’s barely ban real hackers- what’re the chances of me getting banned?” Most people who OPQ and glitch, in my oppinion, are either hackers or potential hackers that don’t know how but would if they had the chance. I have stopped going on my OPQ character completely, just until this glitch business is fixed anyway.
The fame thing is really annoying too. Wasn’t the original idea of putting “fame” into the game as a way of thanking people who help you or something like that? I’ve never bought fame either, though I`ll admit I’ve traded a few times [about 10 out of 160, give or take a few] with my friends. Those people who ask for it are kind of annoying too. In my oppinion, it’s just that buyingasking for fame is like “the easy way” of getting it.
But people still get a high when they get a fame or two.
I think the purpose of fame is still there.
People who care how they get the fame will be proud of every fame they get, people who care how much fame they can buy will be proud of how many people they can buy with their mesos.
It’s just how you look at it.
Congratz on becoming a Ranger~
I think [tis hard to remember] that I bought fame ONCE, but only because the other guy already famed me and was asking me for money >.>. I’ve traded fame, but that’s when my friends fame me and I fame them back because I usually don’t like letting the other person go without fame too x3
[193 fame]
BTW I’ve heard the glitch pq is smuggling the PQ stuff out and going back into the PQ and something. . Something about smuggling stuff out =D
I also hate Glitch PQ because it’s so unfair! I got to level 72 when it came out and it took me so long to level to that point, and now what? People are cheating their way through. I have a character than can OPQ [thanks to my friend who quit and gave me his info] but I won’t OPQ. . not until the Glitch is fixed and I learn how to jump savage blow correctly so I can actually hit the monsters +.+
Umm, when I first started MS, I thought that fame gave you a better chance to find items. Now I know it’s just to wear dark armor for some classes, but you only need 20 fame to do that. I dunno what the purpose of high fame is, except you get to see a high number when you double click yourself. I know I’ll never see 152 as my Level. o.o
If anyone wants to know, this is what a glitch OPQ is.
After doing the entrance stage, you go directly into the “Storage” stage. The party’s smuggler has 6 pieces from storage that were smuggled out of 6 previous OPQ’s. Everyone picks up one of the smuggled pieces and presses the NPC to clear the stage. They get 7500 experience (less if they’ve bossed) like normal,
, Except they get it six times. How is that fair?
It really needs to be patched. After leveling to 51 and hopping over to the OPQ to see what it was about, I started leveling faster than I normally did rush PQing. (It takes me a month to level usually, possibly more. I’m lazy.) I actually thought I’d found my perfect training place. It didn’t have as many leechers as the KPQ. The OPQ didn’t have as many stupid people as the LPQ. Then the glitch came along and now the OPQ is quite possibly the worst PQ in Maple’s history. I think anyone who’s done it more than once (for some may have done it by accident since they were newbs at OPQing) should be banned for at least a few months. It boils down to this: Exploiting a glitch can get you banned. I hope that we actually get the banhammer in the OPQ area. Maybe a GM should randomly go into channel one of the OPQ area and ban everyone saying anything related to “L> Glitch PQ!111oneone”. It’s not fair to those who trained up to third job legitly-heck, all the PQs are not fair to those who made third job before even the LPQ came out, grinding for a long time to get where the are now. I hate that glitch. It is getting way out of hand. I am proud to say I am one of the probably small percentage of people who could glitch PQ but don’t.
./end mini-rant
As for fame, yes, it should be earned. However, there’s always going to be someone who wants to buy fame for one reason or another.
I did hear some people ranting on about it in Buddy chat, but as usual, I ignored them ;D”
Thanks Anni for ignoring us! (mostly me) LOSERDAVID!~
Also I say Glitch? Sure! Why not? The less life wasted the morre I have to level! Bwahaha
Well i seen a Glitch Pq before. Kinda you know a bit silly. At first i didnt know what a GPQ is, Until then my friend told me.’ what! This is the best way to get exp!’ (As my friend said),
Since then i think its a crap way of getting exp, i recently quitted OPQ for a while and train as if there were no PQ’s. Even when people who are lv 51 finish Ludi PQ started doing it! I really hope smuggling stops because PQ is espaicially made for party to communicate with each other, completing stages together. And yes i really love doing normal PQ.
Why people wanna buy fame? Is it to be famous of some sort?! Its worthless of getting fame everyday. Even if you get defamed its still nothing, fame can be use for armours and quest ( at least 20 ). I dont see why people wanna buy fame, i’ve never buy fame before because its such a waste of money even if your rich.
Well usually people fame you because you treat and respect them really well or because people know you alot. Fame them back, its really respect, dont buy fame, waste of time and money and trust me if you buy alot of em. Surely in your MS future you wont be have enough money.
I’m really wondering, I GOPQed like 4 times, and I didn’t really like it since I was harrassed since I had no idea how to do it so I stopped, but would I get banned for barely GOPQing at all?