
Sorry for not foruming this but Maplerz have discovered a new game called Trickster. Its pretty fun its 5 D
Which is 2D+3D.
So yeah I started yesterday it was pretty fun I”m sowwie I had to try a new game MS was killing me.
So Im a level 12 nub and yeah try it its pretty fun.
Short blog.
PS I might be blogging about Trickster for a bit.

7 thoughts on “Trickster???”

  1. Trickster is old stuff.

    Lookit up on the forums or summat.

    [edit] They have blogs for Trickster but no forums. How sad.

  2. ColdHeart said: “trickster is boring when your high lvl just to tell you”

    Yeah but its something new maplestory is boring all the time for me

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