I made a new Char.

Yay I made a new character on Windia my IGN is xSuperStab contributions would be nice

Im still a level 7 on Maple Island but my soon to be theif(bandit) is going to level up like heck I got real bored of my warrior there a block at level 48 that I can’t pass.

Well Im going back to training my Dit

6 thoughts on “I made a new Char.”

  1. Training Camp? What the heck? Where is that from?
    Do you play MapleSea or Global?

    Because in Global, no such thing exists.

  2. Crest said: “Training Camp? What the heck? Where is that from?
    Do you play MapleSea or Global?

    Because in Global, no such thing exists.”

    lol. Stuck in the past? It’s been out for quite a while. Don’t you see the background when you log in?

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