Adventures of a Trainee 10 monthes after

Being a ‘Sin is hard…. but i became stronger now and is finally strong enough to go to……

Ludiburium, Ludiburium,…. LUDIBURIUM!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO
(Aaron is now level 35) <Ticket Booth Person> Yes Sir? Ya need a ticket to Orbis? (Aaron is puzzled) Orbis? I need yo go to Ludi… (Boothe Person is now laughing) Oh… sir… you need to go to Orbis first then go to Ludi… (noob~~) (Aaron blushes*) oh, oh i knew that… just forgot~ (not really) 5000 mesos for the orbis ticket and 5000 mesos to Ludi so that would be 10,000 mesos total.. but looking at your level, I say you can afford it. (What a rip off~~) (What a noob~~)

Some where in Korean Folk Town
A Barlog summoning bag ey? (Mysterious figure talking to Hongbu) Yessss Sir, (!_!) i have it but is my grandparent’s GREAT possesion and to give it to a person like you~ (SLASH~ NOOOOOOOOOOO, FATHER, I HAVE FAILED YOU)

<Back in Orbis Ship>
Isn’t this great? Win flowing through your hair, Going away from “home” and adventuring somewhere new~ man do i feel happy? <You think this is fun?> Who’s that? Aaron said. <Mine name is Tiger and I can tell you this place isnt fun yet>
(Alt+Tab) (rankings) Tiger — lvl 181 warrior
<I gotta say, your enjoying this more than I am… but im here for one reason only and it seems your gonna find out why.>
(Sky turns dark and ship suddenly stops)
Crogs (Crimson Barlogs)
<Tiger leaps unto the sails and slashes an oncoming Crog towarding Aaron>
(The damage… is soo high) Aaron thinks
<3 more Crogs launch from the pirate ship and surrounds Tiger>
(Oh no he’s gonna get hurt.. I better help him, but how?) Aaron notices the lines that connects the ship from the Pirates and the ferry… and gets an idea. This will take some accuracy.) <He chucks his Mockbie at the lines and…>
The Pirate Shipe drifts away leavinh peace for the rest of the ride.
Tiger <after defeating those Crogs single-handedly> takes a rest and eats up some Unagi’s and drinks some water.

P.S Dont Flame for grammar, its only the net
P.P.S. Im srry its not long enough but i cant think too well today
P.P.P.S. idk if i should continue with this so dont complain bout no more or dont cheer if theres no more of this…

10 thoughts on “Adventures of a Trainee 10 monthes after”

  1. Haha, I like the end notes.

    I was just about to confront you about grammar, format and length . . . but if you already know that you suck, I see no reason for me to procede further with trying to assist you. Toodles.

  2. well i cant say, but the grammar thing is old pplz, grammar isnt a strong point in pplz wen u chat or post on the net~~~

  3. mapler4 said: “well i cant say, but the grammar thing is old pplz, grammar isnt a strong point in pplz wen u chat or post on the net~~~”

    Would you like to read a novel with this kind of grammar level?

    Sorry to be blunt, but it’s the same thing with fanfics.

  4. ah smart smart XD just its the net, and we all dont need to be so crazy about grammar, and besides if you want it fixed so badly, just request it ><

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