It’s great to be back!

Haii everyone,

how’s it going? I’ve just arrived from… hmmm… from… … …

I’ve just recently started college and everything is a mess, so that’s my excuse for not coming back in …3 months!!!
ANYWAYZZZZZ, what’s everyone been up to?
“Who are you?????” Everyone asks

OMGGGGGG, you don’t know ME?!?!? lol, remember, I’m Maggie, been here ever since this MMOTales was created, ahhhh, those days…

Anywayz, I was thinking about carrying on with Destined to be… is anyone still interested??

Happy to see ya’ll!~~

By te way, Mip~, All respects to you madam, I hope you don’t mind this blog, i didn’t know that we weren’t allowed this type of blog, *sigh*, Anyways, I will delete it, and i doubt it’ll go on the front page, I just wanna chill for a bit, pweeeaaaseeee??? lol

<3 map1eholic/angelwitwing/koca/Magz!~

P.S, ANSWER ME ONE QUESTION!!!: Have you guys missed me? =DD

15 thoughts on “It’s great to be back!”

  1. The one with one accounts, then two, then ending up using both at the same time! *points!*

    It’s a nice time for you to return. :/

  2. lol, what have a missed? soz, I’m trying to stick to one acct anyways! It’s not like I’m using one to click “likies” on the other!

  3. @map13: Well, I was a little noob back then, when you were still here, and that’s the first thing I recalled about you. XD No offence intended, just knee-jerk memory recall.

    @Descane: I thought for a moment you were calling out to YH2Thalo. XD

  4. Welcome back!

    *takes out shotgun*


    *birds start falling from the sky*

  5. Psht, violent Fenny.

    And yeah, click on the link darkwar gave. There’s the other one too . . . *dives off to search for*
    This link . *nods*

  6. sorry, :S
    Did i do anything wrong? I’m sowwii, I mean honestly, the last thing I want is a gang of MMOers banging on my front door trying to kill m lol ^^;;

    The rules are soooo long, I’ll read it later

  7. Hi! Welcome back! Nothing’s changed at all, except for the invasion of human-snails, which we are struggling to battle against.

  8. lol, haii, hiyaz, heyyyy, sup,

    howz it goin’? lol, you added me on em es en? lol, I’ll check l8r

  9. devilrymage said: “Hi! Welcome back! Nothing’s changed at all, except for the invasion of human-snails, which we are struggling to battle against.”


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