Leveling a Sin is fast and fun.

I started a new character about a few weeks ago because my bowman reached level 30 and I am thinking about sending him to Orbis. I said to myself, if I was going to make a new char it would be a thief. I read forums, tip sites and fan sites to figure out how to create a great sin rogue. I crafted my noob to become a thief and he was ready before he left Maple Island. Training him was so easy. I could snipe monsters from different levels and angles. By the time I was 24, I was stronger than any level 20-25 thief. Now my luck is 86 and my dex is 52 and I am a level 26. I can’t wait until I hit 30. I look forward to becoming a Hermit and spank noobs all over the place, lol. I impressed a few ppl in Sleepywood when I was killing Horned Mushrooms with two Lucky Seven attacks (did I tell you my L7 is maxed). I get stronger every day and my sin might even surpass my bowman.

2 thoughts on “Leveling a Sin is fast and fun.”

  1. sin pwn
    i have lvl 46 sin, and it can out dmg lvl 50+ clerics
    w8 till u hit lvl 50 u will bcome the star of every PQ or training spot

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