9 thoughts on “Maplestory Server check 10:00 – 1:00”

  1. I think I know why all these itsy blogs were popping up. There’s a server check, isn’t there? Aw poor kiddies, they need somewhere to ruin- I mean, go. o:

  2. SilverFx said: “I think I know why all these itsy blogs were popping up. There’s a server check, isn’t there? Aw poor kiddies, they need somewhere to ruin- I mean, go. o:”


    Way to explain the strange appearance of blogs.

  3. SilverFx said: “I think I know why all these itsy blogs were popping up. There’s a server check, isn’t there? Aw poor kiddies, they need somewhere to ruin- I mean, go. o:”

    Let’s capture them and make them talk for the real reason

  4. I agree with Reve
    Reve you can get the chains I’ll get the stun guns to make em talk >D

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