ShapeShifter, Complete

Eh, no one really like thiese, but I’m bored, and I want more classes to make >.>
Vote this time, pl0x.

For other class ideas, refer to-

link – Vorpal Blader

link – Gravity Mage

Well people, without further ad- whatever, I present- THE AMAZING SHAPESHIFTER


[2nd Job Advancement]
[Required First Class: Magician]
[Disc: A specialzed group of Mana Molders, effective at using mana to reshape their own bodies, becoming deadly creatures. They neither wear the traditional garb or weaponry of mages. They prefer light, loose clothing and Shamanic Claws to focus their mana on.]
[Normal Maple Skills]

[Skill Name:MP Eater]
[Skill Type:Passive]
[Skill Mastery Level:20]
[Skill Desc:You know]

[My Awesome Skills ;D]
But what? No Teleport? No Slow? NO MEDITATION??

[Skill Name: Lycantherope Form]
[Skill Type: Active]
[Skill Mastery Level: 30]
[Skill Desc: A staple choice for any ShapeShifter. The Mage unleashes a Howl of pure mana, manifesting it around him until his ribs almost crack with the extreme growth. The Shapeshifter thus gains a blend of speed, stealth, and pure killer instinct]
[Animation-Lycantherope Model, just Blue, and 1/2 the size]

Lv.1- Spirit Lycanthrope +5 Magic ATK, +20% ATK Speed +10 Speed +5 Jump -50 Mana, Lasts 40 Seconds

Lv.15-Rabid Lycantherope +10 Magic ATK, +20 Speed, +40% ATK Speed +10 Jump -65 Mana, Lasts 200 Seconds

Lv.30-Dire Lycantherope +15 Magic ATK +30 Speed, +40% ATK Speed +15 Jump -80 Mana, Lasts 300 Seconds

[Notes: Sexeh enough, Haste, Magic Attack, Reg Attack.]

[Skill Name: Silver Moon Howl]
[Skill Type: Supportive]
[Skill Mastery Level:20]
[Skill Desc:When in Lycantherope form, the ShapeShifter can let out an eerie howl, frightening creatures, but boosting Party Morale]

Lv.1- Monsters -10 Weapon/Magic DMG, -10 Weapon/Magic DEF Party +10 Weapon/Magic DMG, +10 Magic/Weapon DEF

Lv.10-Monsters -15 Weapon/Magic DMG, -15 Weapon/Magic DEF Party +30 Weapon/Magic DMG, +30 Magic/Weapon DEF

Lv.20-Monsters -20 Weapon/Magic DMG, -20 Weapon/Magic DEF Party +35 Weapon/Magic DMG, +30 Magic/Weapon DEF

Consideraby awesome, stacks with bless, makes the ultimate killing machine 😀

[Skill Name: Dracomorphus]
[Skill Type: Active]
[Skill Mastery Level: 30]
[Skill Desc: The ShapeShifter pulls mana to him in a roughened shape, purifying it as the mana turns into hardened scales, teeth and claws.]
[Animation- 2x Reg size, See through Blue Dragon]

Lv.1-Spirit Dragon +20 Magic ATK +5% Cast Speed +5% Max Mana, +10% Mana Regeneration, -55 Mana, Lasts 100 Seconds

Lv.15-Enraged Dragon +40 Magic ATK +10% Cast Time, +5% Max Mana, +20% Mana Regeneration, -70 Mana, Lasts 100 Seconds

Lv.30-Demon Draco +80 Magic ATK +20% Cast Time, +10% Max Mana, +30% Mana Regeneration, -100 Mana, Lasts 200 Seconds

[Note: Holy SNAPZ that’s a lotta mana.]

[Skill Name: Dragonic Contract]
[Skill Type: Supportive]
[Skill Mastery Level: 20]
[Skill Desc: The ShapeShifter makes a contract with Dragonic Spirits, enabling the ShapeShifter to shift the balance between his or her own life force and spiritual force

Lv.1- 5% of damage taken goes to restoring mana, 5% of any used mana heals health

Lv.10-10% of damage taken goes to restoring mana, 10% of any used mana heals health

Lv.20-15% of damage taken goes to restoring mana, 15% of any used mana heals health

[Note: Clerics? Sooo yesterday]
[Note B: I didn’t mean it! I like clerics! Clericsssssss come baaaccckkkkk T_T]


[Skill Name: Spirit Step]
[Skill Type: Passive/Active (Can Be Toggled)]
[Skill Mastery Level: 20]
[Skill Desc: When in ShapeShift form, every step has a chance to result in a mana-free teleport (Only works if in passive, in Active form, just regular Teleport]

Lv.1- 5% Chance to Step 130 Distance, 1 Second of Invulnurability at end of Step

Lv.10-10% Chance to Step 130 Distance, 1 Second of Invulnurability at end of Step

Lv.20-15% Chance to Step 150 Distane, 2 Seconds of Invulnurability at end of Step

[Note: The Invulnurability is a stage of stunnage, like that little phase right after you get hit by a creature, to prevent dying just from walking.]


And that, my friends was the ShapeShifter, I hope you enoyed.

Vote on the next d00d.

Warrior -> EarthShaker

Archer -> Slinger

5 thoughts on “ShapeShifter, Complete”

  1. Bha. When I saw the title, I was automatically expecting some sort of self-Doom camouflage Dark Sight skill. That would be worth making one of these for.
    I do like these new classes you’re making and might have to give it a try myself, but you need to give a little more detail on the sort of weapon a shapeshifter’d use. Just my opinion.

  2. Goosh idea.
    I had weapons included in my first draft, but I accidently clicked the “back” button and got lazy >.>

  3. It was awsome but I think the time for transformations were too long unless you can make the shifters take in extra damage?

  4. Yes, the length is annoying-ly long, mebbe a much higher mana cost or extra damage.

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