Maple Wonders 8

That’s right people, because I have nothing better to do with my life, it’s MAPLE WONDERS 8 OUT SUPER EARLY VERSION!
Note: If you have an IQ of 10 and above, it is suggested you not read this article, because it may make you wonder why I was put in this universe.
Note 2: If you’d like to make your own “Maple Wonders” at least have the courtousey(or however you spell it) to tell me first, and give it a different name, would you mind?It took me days to get inspiration to write this.
For those of you who don’t know me(all of you) my main acc. is a noobish level 32 sin named ShurikenLord and I play Bera
Continued from last time’s article of Maple Wonders
71.Why is the “Sanctuary” area called that, if so many things die in there?
72.Drakes are dinosaurs, reptiles, cold-blooded, so how do they live in the “Tunnel that Lost Light”
73.Why can’t you use a gladius so much it becomes old?
74.In “Mia’s sickness” quest, you need an “Arcon’s Blood” however, what is an Arcon?(Gonna stump all of you)
75.In the Omega sector, there are laser guns, why can’t we use them?
76.Who lives in all those Mushroom houses?
77.Are there ever Car+Monster accidents with Taxis?
78.Doesn’t BlackBull get hot from sitting in the sun all day?
79.Who put those spears on the sides of the map in the “Land of Wild Boar”
80.Doesn’t the Jr.Balrog ever turn into a crimson one?
Dedicated to:VanillaPocki,Roisin,WindiaChick,SellSword
And that conclude’s this issue’s Q&A(Minus the A)

14 thoughts on “Maple Wonders 8”

  1. answer to number 71: Its not called the sanctuary its called the cursed sanctuary, so that means it’ll be the opposite of what a sanctuary is ^_^

  2. Wow, just read all your Qs and As without the A and I think I’ll only reply to these. ^_~”

    71. Well the Sanctuary is actually FOR the poor dead monsters that go to heaven because of all the Maplers that Pwns them.

    72. Hey that’s why GMs made their colour Blue. 1st answer: They are actually relaxing but as soon as one Mapler get in They get up lightning fast to get pwned by that Mapler or Pwns him. AND They’re in a semi-coma so don’t disturb them!

    73. Because the old gladius is something that was hidden in a box for at least 1, 000 000 000 000 000 days. Did you play MS 1, 000 000 000 000 000 000 days wearing a gladius? Muhaha.

    74. Well, I searched in Wikipedia and it says: Big Bad Monster With Blue Hair And That Puts Charms On Dead Stuff.

    75. Cuz, GMs don’t want you to Zap any NPCs especially Officer that men in black guy.

    76. Me. Myself. and Irene.

    77. It’s like in Harry Potter. The taxis are Magical. And Physics don’t apply in the world of MS.

    78. Don’t you know the color black reflects sunlight? <<1st answer
    Second answer: He has a huge korean fan behind him. But you just can’t see it can you. . .

    79. Obviously it was the ancient Maztecs that lived there before the Perion NPCs arrived in the 21st century.
    They battled very well you know.

    80. This question stumped me. I actually have no Idea.
    But there is an answer. You see. Crismon is a pirate, so Jr don’t wanna become a stealer. He decided to go to the sacntuary to pray. And hopefully one day. . . naa he’ll get pwned by DKs.

    And that conclude my answers. Although they’re not necessarily funny, they do make a real point.

  3. The colour black ATTRACTS sunlight lol.
    80. They do, but another Jr. Rog takes it’s place as soon as it leaves


    THANKS CBouncerrun! The color black do attract sunlight heat so. . . Sorry for the bad answer.
    Just change it to taht perion is on a cliff so it’s way windy.


    71.Why is the “Sanctuary” area called that, if so many things die in there?
    Answer: It is a Sanctuary for some, and Graveyard for others. High levels see it as a Sanctuary (good exp, good drop) low lvls see it as a graveyard.
    Besides, Sanctuary means something like a Utopia, not everyone can enter, if you want to, you’ll have to pay the consequences and the many things that died there are examples of foolish people that cannot afford the price of entering the Sanctuary. Make sense?

    72.Drakes are dinosaurs, reptiles, cold-blooded, so how do they live in the “Tunnel that Lost Light”
    Answer: Dinos are extinct ^^ remember?! okay! so when you’re a beginner, you think that dinos don’t exist, but when you’re stronger and you can go deeper into the dungeon, GMs reveal to you that dinos AREN’T extinct! yay! They have to live there because they don’t want little maplers to know that they are alive yet, it’s a secret ^^ shhhhh><

    73.Why can’t you use a gladius so much it becomes old?
    Answer: It depends which Gladius youre talking about. A Heros Gladius doesn’t get old because an ancient scroll keeps it refined (afterall, it was refined with one of the rarest etc. items in maple, >_>)

    74.In “Mia’s sickness” quest, you need an “Arcon’s Blood” however, what is an Arcon?(Gonna stump all of you)
    Answer: dang, i got stumped, but my wittiful mind solved it! 😀 Master Chronos, if you look careful, you’ll see they have letters that make up ARCON. It’s an Elexir ^^ not really blood, manji just wanted to fool you all ^^ smart eh XD *applause*

    75.In the Omega sector, there are laser guns, why can’t we use them?
    Answer: It’s THEIR weapon, we have ours from our own planet and they brought theirs from their planet. If you want those laser guns, you’ll have to look like a mateon (i wouldn’t want that, )

    76.Who lives in all those Mushroom houses?
    Answer: Mushmom and her lil babies ^^

    77.Are there ever Car+Monster accidents with Taxis?
    Answer: No, the taxis go another route where there are no monsters. They just know it! >:D

    78.Doesn’t BlackBull get hot from sitting in the sun all day?
    Answer: He is very used to the sun as you can see his tanned skin, and he thinks it healthy to sit their all day (Vitamin D)

    79.Who put those spears on the sides of the map in the “Land of Wild Boar”
    Answer: The people in Perion, they needed those spears to control the monsters from invading Perion.
    *dialogue + imagination*
    Spear: hah! loser! don’t you dare come near me or you’re pwned!
    Monsters: oh man oh man oh man >< nuuu *runs away*

    80.Doesn’t the Jr.Balrog ever turn into a crimson one?
    Answer: Yup! Thats why there is only ONE JrBalrog and 345982734 Crimson Balrogs ^^ they wait for one to develop, then another hatches.

    More questions XD I <3 answering them, >__> it might not be interesting and funni answers, but it’s personal pleasure
    ~Thank you for mentioning me once again ^^~

    – VanillaPocki –

  6. I went back to your older Maple Wonders and I noticed sumthing. . . I type too much, >__>

    – VanillaPocki –

  7. No, Zombie mushdad isn’t out yet XD and mushrooms don’t have “blood”
    Blackbull is very used to the sun, his DNAs can “resist” from the radiation the sun gives off when ever he wants to. Therefore, no, he doesn’t have cancer.

    – VanillaPocki –

  8. My maple wonder, XDD

    Why do arrows damage slime? o.o dont they go right through them?

  9. I’m back again, just wanted to see if you have new wonders, but you don’t and i come across a new question XD

    Why do arrows damage slime? o.o dont they go right through them?
    Answer: The arrow we have are not just “normal” arrow you know in real life, they hit the slime, gets into their little jello bodies and does the damage “inside” ^^ they don’t pass through. Every single arrow is holified with the power of Athena ^^ (thats why we can hit Chronos and Wraiths too)

    – VanillaPocki –

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