Maple Wonders 7

Note: If you have an IQ of 10 and above, it is suggested you not read this article, because it may make you wonder why I was put in this universe.
Note 2: If you’d like to make your own “Maple Wonders” at least have the courtousey(or however you spell it) to tell me first, and give it a different name, would you mind?It took me days to get inspiration to write this.
For those of you who don’t know me(all of you) my main acc. is a noobish level 32 sin named ShurikenLord and I play Bera
Continued from last time’s article of Maple Wonders
61.Do Lupins run out of bananas?
62.Why do Evil/Curse/Cold Eyes always smile?
63.Don’t Kargos get mad about Wizet stealing their kids and selling them?
64.Where are “Senior” Neckis?
65.How do Dark Stumps drop leaves?
66.How come warriors have such high “STR” but still have no biceps?
67.When an I/L mage uses Lightling in AquaRoad, why doesn’t the whole map get zapped?
68.Do those eggs in the Evil Eye Cave ever hatch?
69.Why doesn’t that Shark and Giant Octopus in Lith Harbor ever die?
70.What’s that hole betweent the “Mysterious Statue’s” legs?
I’d like to say…
Those are the ones I’d like to thank in this issue
By the way, I have school, and I’m really sick, so the issues might come a bit slower
That concludes this “Maple Wonders” Q&A(Minus the A)
-ShurikenLord of Bera
Toast of the day: Here’s the a happy soul, a fit life, and getting that scammer Mass Defamed 99999 times

10 thoughts on “Maple Wonders 7”

  1. 51.They pick them back up after they throw it.
    52.They always smile because they never know when there going to get screenshotted.
    53.No because wizet gives kargos some of the money they get for selling there babies.
    54.Senior neckis are regular neckis except older and invincible.
    55.Right after it dies it grows a leaf out of its body.
    56.Warrior only work out the abs which is always covered up.
    57.It’s not lightning its rasengan.
    58.There all rotten.Dont you see there color.
    59.They jump back into the water when your not looking then later the fishermans catch them again.
    60.Its where she goes potty sice statues cant move.
    ~song~(these questions were hard)

  2. 51.Do Lupins run out of bananas?
    Answer: Depends, when you kill a lupin and they didn’t drop banana, it means they ran out. And if they did, it means they were smart and brought more to kill you ^^

    52.Why do Evil/Curse/Cold Eyes always smile?
    Answer: *evil/ curse/ cold eyes enter*
    Questioner: I’ve reportedly recieved questions asking why you smile, ya, why do you smile?!
    Evil: My teeth are the best I’ve got to show off with.
    Curse: Same here.*nods and SMILES*
    Cold eyes: I’m laughing at those Maplers who comes and and kills us but gets killed.
    Curse: Especially those Hunters, they whack XD
    Cold: I know, it’s so funny XD
    Evil: I killed one just yesterday, it was funny, we ganged up on him.
    Cold: Thats just sad *SMILES*
    Questioner: Thank you, and this concludes the interview.

    53.Don’t Kargos get mad about Wizet stealing their kids and selling them?
    Answer: It’s not Stealing, they were just borrowing, >_> after 3 months, they’ll give it back ^^

    54.Where are “Senior” Neckis?
    Answer: The “senior” necki went to film Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, he should be back soon though. #_________#

    55.How do Dark Stumps drop leaves?
    Answer: The dark stumps used to be trees (darkness is because they are more “moisturized”) but the went to perion and they felt like an outcast, so they asked Axe Stump to cut off those leaves and kept ONE for memory. It’s so sad *tears* just to fit in. . .so sad *more tears* XD

    56.How come warriors have such high “STR” but still have no biceps?
    Answer: They do, but they don’t show it just incase they scare those little mages ^^ya know, little mages have like, NO strength so when they see biceps they might freak out so bad they get blown off to like. . .Orbis (from Vic XD)

    57.When an I/L mage uses Lightling in AquaRoad, why doesn’t the whole map get zapped?
    Answer: The I/L mages control the area just incase they ZAP their fellow maple comrades ^^ and that kewl zap is only used by Zakum, Zakum dislikes people copying his “style”~

    58.Do those eggs in the Evil Eye Cave ever hatch?
    Answer: They do! How else do you think they spawn so fast?! They just hatch sooo fast you don’t see it ^^

    59.Why doesn’t that Shark and Giant Octopus in Lith Harbor ever die?
    Answer: No, the firshermens are keeping them alive just for the fun to see them dry! HANG YOU TILL YOU DRY! *pours water onto them again*
    DRY! *another pool of water* and the cycle goes on. Besides, that shark and octo are used to scare the little beginners who just came from MapleIsland ^^

    60.What’s that hole betweent the “Mysterious Statue’s” legs?
    Answer: It’s a posture of worship in their language, we may not question or speak of their language, it is against their nature and moral,
    (that didn’t make sense, just don’t ask XD)

    lalala, some hard questions you’ve got! Hope you liked my answers ^^

    – VanillaPocki –

  3. 51.they make the bananas magically appear. *poof*

    52. cuz they are smiling their EVIL smile

    53. They’re not the parental type, if you get what I mean

    54.They’re seniors, so they’re old, so most likely dead

    55. They stole them

    56. They’re fit, and slim.

    57.special water

    58.They hatch when you’re not looking. . .

    59. Everlasting LIFE

    60. So you can teleport to the jump quest thing.


  4. re 62: Evil/curse/cold eyes have creepy smiles. (shudder)

    re 68: Some of the eggs in the cave are hatched, but the evil eyes are gone. . . strange. And ever notice the bones lying around? that’s creepy too. I used to think they were the bones of Maplers gone in to fight and never came back out, but yesterday I looked closer, and they’re evil eye bones. So are they cannibals? eek (ToT)

  5. ahah, i rock =)

    lol, the kargo thingie cracked me up,

    for 66. We are always clothes, never naked, so who can see these biceps?

    gujju ♥

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