Note: If you have an IQ of 10 and above, it is suggested you not read this article, because it may make you wonder why I was put in this universe.
Note 2: If you’d like to make your own “Maple Wonders” at least have the courtousey(or however you spell it) to tell me first, and give it a different name, would you mind?It took me days to get inspiration to write this.
For those of you who don’t know me(all of you) my main acc. is a noobish level 32 sin named ShurikenLord and I play Bera
Continued from last time’s article of Maple Wonders
51.How did all those mushroom houses come to be?
52.Who wasted their life making an entire tower of legos?
53.Why can’t we ever take the spear from a dead Tauromaci/Taurospear?
54.How many Ailshars are there in the world?
55.How long do those wind up mice last?
56.Why does it cost mana just to throw one extra throwing star?
57.When a bandit uses a maxed Savage Blow on a snail, why does it have to wait till the blow’s over to die?
58.If Vicious, Gordon, JM from tha streets, etc. can make items, why the heck can’t we?
59.Why can’t ligators bite?
60.Why do you need a claw to throw a throwing star, can’t you use a glove?
Dedicated to all my worshipp-I mean supporters, with all their positive comments and witty responses, the few named in this issue shall be: VanillaPocki, Roisin,Trevtsang,Blastken,Darkness and Rew
You guys rock!
And that concludes this Maple Wonders’ Q&A (Minus the A)
-ShurikenLord of Bera
[Note] Please excuse any typos, this laptop’s keyboard [bleep]

14 thoughts on “Maple Wonders 6 COPYRIGHT INFO INSIDE”

  1. My answers:

    51. The mushroom houses were regular mushrooms until someone dumped toxic stuff on them and they grew REALLY big. Then people moved into them.

    52. Don’t you know there’s lego building contests?

    53. They have a ‘death’ grip on them, lol

    54. He has his clones.

    55. When you’re not looking, someone winds them up.

    56. God said so.

    57. Snails have slow reactions.

    58. We are dumb. Well, at least I am.

    59. They’re not hungry,

    60. Claws have little pockets for you to put the stars in so you can deal them out faster. If you use gloves, you would need a belt. And no one in MS wears a belt.

    You were never there when I needed you the most. . .

  2. windiachick said: “My answers:

    51. The mushroom houses were regular mushrooms until someone dumped toxic stuff on them and they grew REALLY big. Then people moved into them.

    52. Don’t you know there’s lego building contests?

    53. They have a ‘death’ grip on them, lol

    54. He has his clones.

    55. When you’re not looking, someone winds them up.

    56. God said so.

    57. Snails have slow reactions.

    58. We are dumb. Well, at least I am.

    59. They’re not hungry,

    60. Claws have little pockets for you to put the stars in so you can deal them out faster. If you use gloves, you would need a belt. And no one in MS wears a belt.

    You were never there when I needed you the most. . .”


  3. why do snails melt when they die, with thhe shell, and then drop the shell?
    Sry for the double post

  4. hmmm, you have given me a lot to think about,

    *munches cookies and ponders*

    gujju ♥

  5. sorri i wasn’t able to answer the last one XD but i answered them already, and it’s STILL so LONG, omg, i talk too much XD, nways! enjoy my answers ^^

    51.How did all those mushroom houses come to be?
    Answer: Mushmom ^^ mommy has to help their babies find a rest place rite?! RIGHT! >:D so the mighty Mushmom helped her little babies build a little house ^^ HOW you may ask, = Plant a Mushmom Spore onto the ground and there ya go! ^^ everythings magic!

    52.Who wasted their life making an entire tower of legos?
    Answer: Those ten workers and Manager Karl. Because it is their creation, they literally live in it! They are actually still going around the tower checking if there are cracks or not ^^ manager karl wanted you to see if they were doing their job! remember!? ^^

    53.Why can’t we ever take the spear from a dead Tauromaci/Taurospear?
    Answer: Oh no you wouldn’t wanna do that, then they will end up being Tauro, and lose their “spear”. Without the word “spear”, it wouldn’t frighten the little maplers and they would go and try to hunt them resulting in the drastic increase of amount of death tolls, then it wouldn’t be called SANCTUARY, it would be called GRAVEYARD,

    54.How many Ailshars are there in the world?
    Answer: ONE, and ONLY one. ^^ the one in channel one! [oneoneoneoneone] the others are clones! like narutos! narutos’ clones dissappear rite?! XD and it comes back! you go ressurection!

    55.How long do those wind up mice last?
    Answer: Next time you kill one, look carefully, the stop and wind themselves ^^ and then they start walking again ^^

    56.Why does it cost mana just to throw one extra throwing star?
    Answer: Cuz you need the speed boost, and the only thing to boost your speed is mana ^^ya, suks, >_>

    57.When a bandit uses a maxed Savage Blow on a snail, why does it have to wait till the blow’s over to die?
    Answer: GM’s planned this ^^, they want you to see how kewl your move is and how big the numbers reach up to. After you showoff, the monster dies! It’s all about feeling good ^^

    58.If Vicious, Gordon, JM from tha streets, etc. can make items, why the heck can’t we?
    Answer: It’s because they have their jobs and we have ours ^^ we kill, and they create things to help us kill better ^^. Betcha they’ve thought the same about us!

    59.Why can’t ligators bite?
    Answer: You take dmg from them, no? This is a very nice jolly game, you wouldn’t want to see them really open that big jaw with 24598767093 sharp teeth heading towards you, and when you take the damage, your flesh falls out, thats just gruesome.;_; Therefore, they bite, you just don’t SEE it, but you FEEL it (the dmg)

    60.Why do you need a claw to throw a throwing star, can’t you use a glove?
    Answer: It’s faster because sins don’t have strength, imagine a 3 year old throwing a baseball, it would be that slow, >___> so sins need to use their claws to help them shoot those preettiful pricy stars!

    Thank you for mentioning my name ^^ I <3 your questions and it makes me think when i answer them ^^

    – VanillaPocki –

  6. lalalala~ tehfuzz, it’s because the axe on the stumps aren’t lvl 10 ^^
    ShurikenLord give me a new set of questions now ! D:< i’m bored. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    more! more! more!

    – VanillaPocki –

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