Maple Wonders 12(Story Info Inside)

Note: If you have an IQ of 10 and above, it is suggested you not read this article, because it may make you wonder why I was put in this universe.
Note 2: If you’d like to make your own “Maple Wonders” at least have the courtousey(or however you spell it) to tell me first, and give it a different name, would you mind?It took me days to get inspiration to write this.
For those of you who don’t know me(all of you) my main acc. is a noobish level 33 sin named ShurikenLord and I play Bera
Continued from last time’s article of Maple Wonders
111.Who made the Zakum Seed?
112.What are hamburgers and hotdogs in Maple made of?
113.Don’t those ropes collapse after years pass?
114.What are those skulls in Perion from?
115.In the Land of Wild Boar II there are eggs at the top, what hatches from them? (Boars are mammals and Stumps are plants)
116.Why do some monsters have mana when they can’t use spells?
117.Why are Mapler’s heads so big?
118.Why can’t theives use the goggles on the Dark/Red/Blue/Brown Burglars?
119.How do shoes provide ARMOR?
120.Where are the houses in Kerning City?
This issue dedicated to all the people who are going to be in my next story plot entitled “Cries to the Moon”
You know who you are!
Preview of it coming out withing a few days to a week
-ShurikenLord of Bera
Today’s Toast: Here’s to the relaxation of summer, the fullness of our lives, and KSing that guy 20 levels higher than who said he could KS you like nothing.

7 thoughts on “Maple Wonders 12(Story Info Inside)”

  1. Ooh, ksing a guy 20 levels higher than you, kool.

    111. Oh, that’s easy. It’s that guy in a turban, he just wants to kill everyone with his maniac inventions (he’s mad so don’t disurb him). But his plan backfired when so Many maplers came. . . and pwned it. Well not exactly pwn.

    112. Simple, Pig Meat.

    113. No, the interior of the rope consists of pure metal. Impossible to bend, break, whatever!

    114. Uh. . . Drakes? Duh. . . -.-“

    115. Yeah, again they’re from drakes who went to higher places to look for food.

    116. They need mana to run, to live like an animal. D;

    117. Cuz, everyone wanna show off their eyes and hairdo don’t they?

    118. They’re made of plastic! D;

    119. Hey, monsters try to bite your toes so you gotta have them on! Or it’s BooBoo for you!

    120. Thieves don’t need houses. They find something, they use their ninjitsu or what-cha-ma callit then they go upside down and they sleep like a bat.

    Cries to the moon. ~~_~~

  2. 111: Another bad experiment from the scientists >:O
    112: They are made of experimental salat and rotten meat!
    113: Yes, but Dr. Pepper will glue it with Super Soda!
    114: They are made of plastic, that’s how the recycle stuff in MapleStory
    115: The eagles that flyes over Snipers and Rangers heads, when the skill is used
    116: Because without MP, you have no chance of resisting a magic attack = 99999 dmg to a snail when bolt is used
    117: How should you else be able to see if you got something in your eye?! Duh!
    118: They can, but do you look better, if your eyes are at a size of a plate?
    119: How would you like to walk on hot lava in deep El Nath dungeon, without shoes? It’s pretty hot down there!
    120: Where are the houses at Perion? absolutely gone! Because warriors and thieves needs no houses! They sleep under the starry night. . . With all the mosquitos xD (No offence thieves and warriors)


  3. WAKAKAKA, um, ya okay XD
    my brain is currently blocked, TT__________TT

    – VanillaPocki –

  4. 112: Pig heads (that’s why they’re so rare now) with a bit of evil eye and tauromaci mixed in . . . eww gross I’m never eating those again! XD
    113: They’re made of super-extra strong and tough nylon cord with polyurethane! They’ll last for thousands of years, if they ever break your money back is guaranteed!
    117: Cos we need to store all that info about our class, builds, skills, etc. lol.
    118: They’re just for show. XD
    119: Shoes are for protection, this may be why. . . or maybe getting hit in the feet will cause us to die so that’s why we have shoes as armour. Ever play that game Code Name: Viper for the NES? If you got shot in the feet you’d instantly die in that game.
    120: Everyone lives in those apartments in the background, except you can’t get into them (and they’re pretty much run-down anyway) so we just roam the streets or go steal houses in Henesys. (^__^)b

  5. 116: the actual answer is so that when you use MP eat you have something to take,
    the real question is why dont pixies run out of mp after attacking you so much

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