If a Panda lost its spots, would it be..

A Polar Bear? Or a Black Bear.
Ponder, n00bs.
Anyway, after a long, hard day of cracking down on my FaceLess Void Skills, I went to the FlyFF website, and clicked…
“DownLoad FlyFF”
Within 39 minutes and 23 seconds, the game was in my possession.
So then I went to take a nap.
Which lasted 3 hours and 42 minutes.
And a broken back, from sleeping on a handball.
Stupid handballs.
Well, now I am offically a Mian.
Add LunarPanda if you play FlyFF and are on The Mia Server.

Or else…
Or else……
Or ELSE………..
You know what? Just add me.

Anyway, the game’s pretty fun, overwhelming detail, a nice change from a 2-D world.
Maple’s a lot like a Flip Book, no offense

Anyway, there’s a variety of creatures, “Small Aibatt, Aibatt, Captain Aibatt”
Though the captain one kinda scared me, I mean, I’m level 4, and I’m expecting it to scream, “BANKAI, SENBONZAKURA”

But no Pink, Razor Sharp Cherry Petals pwned me, so I was relieved.
Until I stumble upon a Lawolf and get mauled.

Anway, I have ELA practice, the ELA’s in a week, wish me luck!
Or else…

8 thoughts on “If a Panda lost its spots, would it be..”

  1. What kind of internet do you have? You scare me. However, I downloaded all 400+ MB of MS in less than 23 min =D

  2. Add me too! SilverFx in Mia. 😀
    The irritating thing about the Flyff buddy system is that you can’t add people while they’re offline, I think. ><

    And LOL to the Bleach reference.

  3. @Epic.
    Dude, if I gave you a list of how much unused, downloaded crud I have.
    You’d see why >.>
    The ELA’s are the English Language Arts exam given to 3rd-7th/8th graders
    Aye, couldn’t add Indescane since she was, OFFLINE.
    But I was expecting a Bankai >.>;;
    I tried adding you 13 times last night, unfortunately, you weren’t wasting your life.

  4. EpicTales said: “What kind of internet do you have? You scare me. However, I downloaded all 400+ MB of MS in less than 23 min =D”

    Ha ha, I’ll probabley get mauled after this one, but it takes me: 50-72 Hours to download FlyFF. . . Yes.
    I’m geting FlyFF This satarday though. I’m going to my mother’s friends’s house, and downloading Fly For Fun onto a CD, and then burn it onto my computer! ^_^
    The same as I did with Maple Story! ^_^
    (What exacly is ‘Geting mauled’?) Sorry. . .

    – Little preacher man.

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