Hacker park broa heaven

Hey am a bit new if read alot of blogs true, But thats not my point.
Someone adviced me to go to grupin park 2 it was a great place to train.

Well NOT 1/2 of the channels was hacked i got 10 screenies to prove it =)
so plz if you are in orbis report those bastards ty and btw i cant upload them to mapleglobal so if anyone else can do that ty him or her to

my first blog tada cya i need to go get lvl up 😛

PS: these are just 5 hackers the other 5 didnt put on the list (lucky them)

4 thoughts on “Hacker park broa heaven”

  1. lol smile 4 screeny.
    If you see a guy named Sapo1 report him thx.
    im sure it would have been awesome if a GM showed up right there lol

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