MapleStory, just, sucked, more.

Are you kidding me? Finnaly Gm’s are doing something…. But I can ASSURE you thats nothing. Why I even bet its a scam! FRAUD! KILLER I TELL YOU!

And heres why.

Question:Why was nexon nice to give us free hair coupons?


A: Have you no mind?! Its a scam. You do the quest get sucky hair you buy the coupons *which did I mention cost 500-1000 NX cash more than it usaully does* and get good hair. Nexon just got 1,000,000$ richer.

Question: Why did they give us maplepoints?


A: Im telling you, ITS ALL A FRAUD SCAM! They are trying to make you believe that your going to get your maplepoints. Some people did, BUT SOME PEOPLE DIDN’T. My 3 friends had to give up 1-3 slots on there INV. just for those cards for NOTHING.

Question: Why is nexon giving us a chance to win 10 million mesos?


A: Im spitting it out but you don’t wanna listen. A FREAKING DANM SCAM! For the lucky 10’s that got 10 mil and 100’s that got 100k or 10k, the other 1,000,000’s are getting 1k while getting freaking ass poor by paying for those envolopes.

Why are GM’s finnaly doing something?


A: 5 words…THIS. IS. A. FREAKING. SCAM! Sure, from december to feb 1st they were banning like crazy… I BARELY see 1 person get banned… and I’m thinking because of those protests. People wouldnt buy NX until the hackers are banned. The hackers are banned. “so lets go buy us some NX!”, you say? HOLD IT!It’s a SCAM I TELL YOU! Once they get enough money to keep going, *POOF* as fast as there were bannings, as fast as they go.

If you have ANY more questions regaurding “good things” Nexon is doing for us, PM me or ask me down there.

15 thoughts on “MapleStory, just, sucked, more.”

  1. Well, I got really good hair from the coupon, and since I will never be allowed to get NX, I’m really happy with it!

  2. I got Maple points too… The only thing i can really agree with you on, is the… oh, can’t say I agree with anything.

    1, It is OPTIONAL, you didn’t have to do the quest.

    2, Everyone I know got their Maple Points, basically, they just gave us free money…

    3, They want you to find them, not buy them. It IS a common drop, you know. About as common as a rose. I’ve gotten well over 10

    4, GM’s have lots of jobs, so sometimes they have to do other things (apart from banning). They aren’t banning to get cash…

    You act like they are trying to trick us out of our money, when really, it is the stupid people that just decide to give it up.

    Nexon > Teh Stupids.

  3. LMAO when you said 5 words i actually counted >__> so ne ways yea, i did the free hair quest i got like nothing or i god one that looked EXACTLY like dishevled -.o;

  4. xXVEGGIEXx said: “I got Maple points too… The only thing i can really agree with you on, is the… oh, can’t say I agree with anything.

    1, It is OPTIONAL, you didn’t have to do the quest.

    2, Everyone I know got their Maple Points, basically, they just gave us free money…

    3, They want you to find them, not buy them. It IS a common drop, you know. About as common as a rose. I’ve gotten well over 10

    4, GM’s have lots of jobs, so sometimes they have to do other things (apart from banning). They aren’t banning to get cash…

    You act like they are trying to trick us out of our money, when really, it is the stupid people that just decide to give it up.

    Nexon > Teh Stupids.”

    Word up!


  5. Your fault for doing the Amoria quest when you know well there are more bad hairstyles then good, Sure I didn’t get the Maple points because I didn’t do the quest. I missed out. Red envolopes? I rather find them while training then buy them. GM’s have lifes to. They have friends, and ban without the “notice.” They also handle the website and espcially the e-mail of inquiry. You know how many they get per day with a limited amount of people? Yeah, they go on maple to ban people. What xxveggiexx said.

  6. Question 1. Yeah. I agree. It’s a scam. But you didn’t have to do it.

    Question 2. So?

    Question 3. Dude. It’s called an event. You win, you lose.

    Question 4. Hackers aren’t getting banned. People complain. Hackers are getting banned. People complain. Lose/lose situation, no?

    Just chill, there. Hate to say it, but you’re just being a hater.

  7. Love it’s not fraud or scamming

    it’s called marketing

    they are business techniques that simply make more money

    the most common form of marketing?


    that’s why things that are 10 bucks arent just 10 dollars they are $9.99

    subconsciously it makes you think it’s only 9 dollars

    Marketing is everywhere ever stores in the fm do it

    don’t complain or be angry about it i

    live with it

    it keeps maple running

  8. Does the phrase: “Many will enter, few will win” have ANY meaning to you?

    It’s a promotional competition. Plus, why do the idiots buy Red Envelopes in the first place?
    Also, why did they take so much time to get those NX Coupons?
    Next, why do people do the hair quest when they know that it’s completely luck? As you said, Veggie was one of the lucky ones. That proves you’re able to get good hairstyles too.

    Lastly, Gm’s don’t need only MS to get money. They have all those other games too! Plus, they don’t need to take ten seconds of their life to shut those idiots up by saying: [notice: random idiot/ you has been banned for being stupid. and hacking.]

  9. Hey, you said you had 5 words. You did have 5 words but it was 6 syllables. That really doesn’t mean anything but I just wanted to point it out.


  10. Dude, it was all free. Maplestory is a free game. You chose to do the hair quest. You knew, or should have known the risks that applied to it. You don’t have to buy Red Envelpoes. It’s just an event, you win or you lose, like AznRiceFan said. So, chill out, and happy mapling.

  11. *rolls eyes*

    So Nexon is a business. They do stuff for profits. They supply the goods. People, who are willing and able to, pay that money.
    Basic Economics tells us that demand only exists as far as there are people who are willing and able to pay for the goods. And there will only be supply when there’s demand.

    I don’t see no scam. Just a very healthy economy.

  12. lol. i agree!

    1 thing u might not know is that GM’s create “fake” accounts and ban them just to scare hackers.

    and why don’t GM’s per ban hackers? thats cos most hackers “buy” friggin’ NX cash (no not hack, BUY), so if they per ban hackers, Nexon will earn $100000s less money
    and that means that GM’s won’t be paid. in other words, GM’s need Hackers to pay them -.-
    also GM’s dont ban instantly so that more ppl supermegaphone, buy more, mega more, etc

    but i do say Nexon doesn’t intentionally want to scam us
    its just the pos or neg side u think of this

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