Summoning Bags

Ever scince summoning bags came out, People have been releasing them on innocent afk people, and they die. I think its unfair that people will make you die for their own entertainment. Its not safe to go afk anymore. Dont those people consider how long it took for the guy you just killed to get that exp? In my opinion, I think Wizet shouldnt allow people to kill others with summoning bags. Today I cleaned out my buddy list, deleting a few people that dont talk to me anymore. About 30 minutes later, I see one of those friends stalking me. He comes and goes a few times, Then im AFK for about half an hour. When I come back, Im dead. I see that friend come back, And he told me it was my fault and that I learned the lesson not to be AFK. I think thats very unfair -_-

11 thoughts on “Summoning Bags”

  1. no way, i died 3 times by freaking summoning bags in the forbidden time on my cleric ='[ i think wizet should turn off summoning bags or just let afk ppl not b harmed (somehow)

  2. nah, i think its awesome killing pixels for ur entertainment, its so funny. I see you don’t know the feeling of killing afk ppl ITS SO DAM* FUN!

  3. LMFAO who dies from summoning bags?

    My advice = GO ON AN EMPTY CH, usually other Chs besides the first 3 barely ever see summoning bags even in Major areas

  4. I’ve never died from a summoning bag, then again i’m a level 77 with 5k hp xD
    Tip: Go afk on a ledge, not on a long flat area. That way u just fall, hopefully on another ledge.
    Anyways, I feel it really is unfair to those who die to summon bags. I remember when they first came out I’d use them on crowded channels in Kerning and Henesys. Omg I hate myself now.
    After a while I just stopped doing that, and unleashed all my bags at once in a random empty place so i can kill them for exp. Its not much, but I got a note from a Chief Gray last time, so that was cool (I couldnt get any from the spawn ones >.<)

  5. People need to think about consequences of their actions 😛
    But oh well. :[ I give my sympathies and good luck (even though I doubt people will ever stop using summoning bags)

    Ah, my advice is to go to cashop ;]

  6. dude so much fun killing ppl i some time use mic to get bunch of ppl in one place and sommon bunch of monsters
    my advice try hanging on for a rope or ladder

  7. solution: idle in FM. duh! peopel go in ther, but summon bags cant be releasd.

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