Lil_Story – Chapter 9 (NYNE!)

Read the other chapters via MMOid. Must I say more at this point? I’m running out of witty phrases~!

“It’s been done, m’ lord. Toko is dead.”
“Please, call me Misery. As you know though, Toko is the least of our worries at this point.”
“Understood. How shall I continue the plan?”
“Kill the girl they call Mai, before she’s powerful enough to start her healing skills.”
“And so it shall be done.”

Toko’s body had been sitting in the same spot for the last two hours. After hearing the news from the mage, Amy ran to find Toko and jumped off a cliff, landing on the ground swiftly and turning around to see him. Cuts and blood covered his entire body, and he only had enough energy at this point to open his eyes, which is all Amy needed to see. “Toko…” she whispered, starting to cry. She took Toko and picked him up in her arms, feeling a bit of tension swelling in her arms. “I won’t let you die. You’re my only friend, I don’t want you to go . . .” she said, starting to walk with him in his arms, moving towards Henesys.

Meanwhile, back in Ellinia…

“Who are you, and what do you want?” Mai yelled, taking her staff and pointing it at the mage, who just smiled at her. “My name isn’t important to you. You’ll be dead anyways, Mai.” She stared at the mage and charged at him in a blast of fury, firing a blade of energy that sent him flying back a few inches. He smiled and started charging energy with the Thorns. “Don’t resist, there’s no point.” He raised his staff, making a giant wall of fire in front of him that starting shooting arrows from everywhere. While Mai could dodge most of the arrows easily, she felt a burn across her face as a arrow hit her dead on from nowhere, blasting her backwards into a tree.

“Foolish child, you’re no match for me.” The “firewall”* turned into a large ball, and blasted towards her, covering her in flames, making an explosion and a large crater in the ground with dust everywhere.

The smoke started to clear, but what had happened was still unclear…

* * * * * * * * * *

Firewall. Hah, I made a stupid pun.

Now, fear my crappy cliffhanger and wonder! Chapter 10 will be rather large, so be on the lookout for that!

Lil… AWAYYYYYYY! *Bricked*

6 thoughts on “Lil_Story – Chapter 9 (NYNE!)”

  1. yay! longer chaptaz ^.^;; i like dis one (dont get me wrong, i hate it wen ppl get killed ) but i like the action and suspense

  2. Next chapter The: Fire mage comes out with a flamethrower, as Toko equiped a Ak47 blowing his head into guts o.O

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