MapleStory Comic – Idea

I’m planning to make a line of Comics to submit into BasilMarket. I have a well thought out storyline in my head. So i’m going to type it down, and please tell me if you like.


One day, in Henesys. There is a boy named Koya, who an innocent 15 year old. He has red hair, red eyes, and a red toilet plunger. His parents died randomly on a hunting trip. That’s why Koya tends to stay indoors.

He doesn’t have any friends. Except one, a girl. Her name is Erica. She’s the same age as him, and they both grew up together. But…Around 3 years ago, she moved to Perion. They can see eachother, but it takes a long time for the Taxi to get there, and it takes more than a week to go from Henesys, to Kerning City, Then to perion.

He’s not the most athletic kid either. He stays inside, cleans his house. Watches TV, play on the computer. Basically take the role of an adult with their own house.

Yet does Koya know, he’s been chosen by the HopeBringers, and gang of intelligent, strong fighters that save Victoria Island from Shadite monsters, in the Shadite Realm. Which is the shadow of Victoria island. Koya may live alone, be quiet, and be very non-social, but his parents were the leaders of the HopeBringers. Until they died a horrible accident, fighting a Shadite. In their last words, they told Squan, the second in command, to make their son the strongest HopeBringer in all of the Shadite realm.

Can he do it?

Like button if you like please! I’m working on him with BannedStory at the moment, and the other people.

Thank you for your support!

P.S. The comic’s name is HopeFully.

5 thoughts on “MapleStory Comic – Idea”

  1. Banned Story is a new MS sim that takes up 85.something MB.

    From what I hear, it’s awesome.

  2. Yeah, it’s amazing. I downloaded the Full EXE version.

    And it doesn’t sound like every other. BUT YOU ARE A MUFFIN! *Kick*

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