So… were should i start >.>, well i finally got back on maple story after a 6 month or so break after my account getting stripped of about 190mil.
I decided to quit my old CB and create a ranger, so i went on with my ****ty internet connection and first dice roll i got 4/4 <3 with 13 dex 6 str so that was a big up for me after heaps of boring training i got off maple island and went and did that amoria haircut quest and i got buzzcut >.<, mind you i’ll get 5k nx for those centaurus horns (cause they g-unit) so 500 exp was pretty worth it, so afta that i did job advancement and became a bowman so thats all good in around 6 hours i leveled to lvl 14 so i decided to try out henesys pq, btw it;s bloody awesome so i we completed the pq and went into bonus by then i had already gotten around 2.6k exp from killing monsters and everything which was a big up in only 10 minutes so we did bonus and i killed heaps of pigs, we rushed and got in again and i leveled to lvl 16 in 1 pq!!!!! that was really fun well, i’m prolly gunna play maple after i play my waterpolo game for North Harbour in New Zealand lol ^-^
Well, good to know you made a good start after losing, dang Sorry to hear about that. =/
Seems like a lot of MMOTers are returning to MS. o____o
And yay for HPQ. I still haven’t tried it yet ^^;;
Welcome to MMOTales! Enjoy your stay. Mind using some periods? o.o
Sorry to hear about your account being stripped. What server do you play on?
I play on khaini server lol, sorry about the periods, wait what are periods