My long disappearance

Yeah, i’ve been gone for about… a long time.
It’s been about a month since i’ve posted anything related to Forgotten Silence.
Well, you all know, stuffs been going on.

My goal for maplestory was getting to 70 before school started. It was possible until I changed some info on my account and no verification code came… so i’m stuck at level 65, unable to go on maple, and pretty much blank.

It’s been days upon weeks since i’ve last talked to someone special to me… but she has sent me a message through here ^_^ So, i’m glad she’s alright… I hope…

A few problems with my friends… But, I think i’ve gotten closer to them ^^
A few things going on between Haruki and myself as well…
As for Forgotten Silence, I may end it on chapter 14 but I am uncertain.
When I first thought up of my story, I was very well interested in it and was curious into seeing if anyone really liked it. I’ve got part of my curiousity figured out and i’ve missed being on MMO, and seeing readers enjoying stories.

Well, here I am. Sitting here with no Maplestory and no one on my MSN to chat with.
I’ll tell you this, i’m back on MMO and ready to start writing.
So… I’ll write up chapter 14.
I’ll try and get my story up and posted today… if not, saturday, for I told Haruki that was the deadline for the story and… possibly… *cough* I mean nothing.

Well, this is all. Thanks for reading! x3

-Lex Divina
I miss you… Beloved…

4 thoughts on “My long disappearance”

  1. Wizet won’t send the codes >_> Two of my friends got stuck, but one of them got theirs after a week or two of waiting x_X I have yet to find out if the other one will get hers. Good luck with that, and definitely keep writing ^_~

  2. *blinks* so that means we dont have to use fire and pitchforks, ? *disapointed sigh as he puts away his arsenal* meh, i’m sure i’ll find another time to use all that on ya ^^, besides, just happy i ams that your finally gonna keep writing FS. Keep it up willy, and although there isnt any witty comment( shush, i know they ant witty, but i getta smile outta em so :P) to say to ya sister this time, be for warned i’ll have something up my sleeve on ya next post >.<”!

  3. finally your back! ^^ and yea that happened to my friend to if you are using hotmail you wun recive it.

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