As title. I went to log in today and I got the ” either you are not online or the server is undergoing matinence, please check the website” or whatever. I go to the website, and all servers are up and running. And then I see a post on basil about this. And I find out they blocked all US and UK IP addresses. Fun fun. So now I can’t even play SEA. I guess it’s kind of a good thing, since now I won’t end up attatched to my SEA characters, but it also means I have nothing to do. Still haven’t found my DS, so I have no games to play. I’m still reading The Stand, but I’m kinda bored. I started writing though.
Anyway, I can imagine how some US and UK players who have been playing SEA since it opened might feel, and have bought a-cash. I bet everyone who lives in the SEA area doesn’t care and might even start gloating, but think of it this way: what if you played global and all of a sudden ( hypothetically ) that since asian players and european players have their own versions, they’re going to block all non-american ( north and south american ) IPs. And what if you have a lvl 12x in global like some people might in SEA? I only had a lvl 11 warrior and a lvl 8 to be rouge, so it’s not a big loss to me, but I can imagine someone with a lvl 7x even being upset about being blocked. Who knows how long they’ve played SEA? I saw a few people gloating about US and UK IPs being blocked, and it was idiotic in my opinion. but anyway, I’m done mindlessly rambling. I have more stressing stuff IRL to deal with than losing two noob characters in SEA.
Now you can play in Global with me and and err, I forget who plays Global.
*points to “I hate you Vista </3” blog* uh, I can’t even get on global right now. I keep getting “the connection to the server has ended” error ever time I try to log in.
You have to consider that people would steal identities to make these characters. MapleSea was created for Maple Sea players, not Maple Global players. If they want to enforce the rules, its shouldn’t be our problem. At least they are enforcing rules and carrying things out.
I don’t have an problem with them enforcing rules, but I used my own ID info to log in, not steal someone elses. I just think the least they could have done was let people know they planned on blocking it. Some people wanted to give away their items/info to friends since they can’t play, but now since they can’t even log in, well, they can’t do anything. I don’t care that much about being blocked, I only had two noob characters, but people who’ve actually played for a while might be ticked off, and if I had been the lvls there I was in global, I wouldn’t be that happy either. I don’t like how some people are gloating about it either, but people are jerks, nothing I can do about that.
I lost my 69 dit, So Close
Really sucks for me actually,well i guess thats ok.
Buddy me in khain if ya want. LuckyLottery’s BL is 1/20
Rosin! Piat! Lunar! Shatred! Does this mean I can’t see y’all now? T___T
Rosin! Piat! Lunar! Shatred!AND X1SHINOBI1X! Does this mean I can’t see y’all now? T___T”
If you forget me again ill slap you with a kitten
WHAT!? I thought it was just them patching or something. Uwaaa~~ This really sucks!
Well. . . I guess no more Maple for me. I refuse to go back to GMS.
Uh. Shinobi who?
I’m sorry, I don’t know you. >>;
@Rose: T_T This sucks, yes!

I REFUSE to go nuts over MS during exam period!
Of all the rotten luck, how long has this gone on?
It might explain why my laptop wouldn’t even run it last weekend.
Well, this sucks! NOW how do I see you mmoers who play SEA?!
Ah, well, I still have my GMS, so it’s not a complete loss.^_^
This was just after the recent server check they did the 25th in SEA times ( I think it was the 24th in US, but I suck at translating time zones ). But yea, since then I’ve seen a LOT of people gloating and going “serves you right for not playing YOUR version”. UK didn’t even have a version until recently, and a lot of players did buy A-cash for SEA. A lot of people have said that they should have just blocked incoming foreign IPs and not allow new people from these countries to sign up, which I agree with. A lot of people from the UK and the US that moved from global to escape hackers invested a lot of time and work into their characters. Overall I think it’s going to be bad for buisness for AsiaSoft, the least they could have done was give an advance warning so people could distribute their account and items to friends. I personally didn’t lose much of anything, but I feel terrible for those that did.
Ouch, Anni lost her priest D: