Gib me caffiene~ Yea I’m bored and I don’t want to get on MS because I have to leave for school soon. Anywayz.
I tried OPQ last night, I dun like it it takes too much time, and papa pixie is a ho. We ended up having a hacker in our party too, who we didn’t even notice until we were probably 1/3 into papa pixie. So I go to leave party, had my mouse over the “leave party” button and WHAM! My comp lags again~ I was like..ho crap, BANZ?! So I log back in and I’m fine D: But yea, we had like…50 seconds left in pq too, because the sealed room took forever to do and we got kicked from it twice for taking too long
so I got 5% exp and no prize. It was an ok distraction, but like most pqs, fails as exp gain.
Erik never got online last night either </3 so Lei was lonely. One of my guild members got his helm in the Insanity run last night, lucky bish 15/15/14/15 stats ( 15 in dex, str, and luk, 14 int) so he plans to reloot when he’s higher lvl and can fight it himself. I’m supposed to be reschedualed for tonight, but I’m letting a friend go on his comp for me to loot it since he NEVER lags, and he’s going to let me play on his hermit while he does it. Lei gets to mess with FJ >D <3 He’s the only person with a good comp I would trust on my account, the other 2 people I would trust don’t have good connections to last zak lag. He’s gone on practice runs for zakum, and he’s never lagged out, so hopefully if I do go tonight I’ll get the helm~
Anyway, class time. Be back laters~
What happened to your english D:
100 blogzorz. o_o
You’re not allowed to share MapleStory accounts. I AM REPORTING YOU! D=
Nah, I am just kidding. =)
I was tired XD My english sucks when I’m half asleep.
and ho crap it is 100 blogs XDD
and psh >_> we’re not sharing, only loaning <_< >_> <_< >_> It’s just because my comp sucks for lag, and his has one of the best processors+ lots of memory and stuff. He never lags in zak