Ok, so I was bored, bored enough to write a wanted: training partners thread on basilmarket. And it ended up being the BEST idea I’ve had in a while. There were a few responses, but one person whispered me on my spearman as I was training. Turned out to be this one guy on basil I idolize, for lack of a better word, on his cleric. So I went and partied with him at zombies for a few hours, and it was awesome ^_^ I even lvled~ He’s not as intimidating to talk to as I thought XD After I had lvled, he got back onto his main, and lvl 90 CB ( <3 ) and we went to mess around at YnP. I died because my mouse got stuck in chatbox, but I had a few saftey charms left so it didn’t matter. And he screened it to add to his collection XD Once I had revived, we went and messed around at yetis for a bit, until he had to go. I was so excited I guess because he’s in my mind one of the best voices on CBs, and I’ve wanted to be able to actually talk to him for a long while, other than just our occasional PMs on basil talking about training and daggers when I need help. I sound like such a dorky fangirl .__.;;;;
Other than that, I’m feeling so much better lately, last night I had a “breaking point” as I like to call it and I feel tons better than I have in the past few days. SO there probably won’t be any rants from me in a while XD
anyway, back to maple, getting myself to ludi on my chief then off to play spearman for a bit~
you have quite a few blogs and ive been on this site since the beggining but i swear i dunno you o.O
hmm well not sure if you know me
im Waffle =)
i mean who doesnt know and love me anyway?
ima the luvable Waffle
everyone loves me
you have quite a few blogs and ive been on this site since the beggining but i swear i dunno you o.O
hmm well not sure if you know me
im Waffle =)
i mean who doesnt know and love me anyway?
ima the luvable Waffle
everyone loves me”
I’m gonna make you mad.
Um,yay for you?