Pockets full of GOLD!

*Enters the Blog.*

Why, hello MMOtale viewer! ^_^

I see you’ve clicked my blog. Why so? Was it the title? Maybe it was because it was on the front page? Did those thick blue words compel you to click this blog? They were orange you say? Then your coming to read it again?! Aww, that warms my heart! *Gives faithful viewer a warm, overly oven backed, homemade brownie.* Wait, or, maybe… because it was written by ME! ^_^


OUCH! What was that for!? T.T
[h] [/h]

LIKE, WOW! I said, WOW!

Today in Tales of Pirates, the perfect MMO for me, was a day both exciting, and wonderful! ^_^

The day happily began with me and other marry players gathering Mooncakes, and…

No, WAIT! Come back! All right, I wont bore you to death with my “Moon cake Adventure!
But I will tell all of you what I got out of it. The out-come, if you will.

I LIKE, TOTTALY GOT, LIKE,. 250k!!!!11!

That’s MAJOR for me.
Seeing as the highest i’ve ever earned on my own was 60k, I WAS BLOWN AWAY TOO DAY!

And it’s all thanks too… I forget her name… darn.

All I can remember is.. she had the wings a BAT! Creepy? I think not.
Quite normal, indeed.

What am I going to do with all this money? Give it away too poor kids with cancer?! No, that’s not it…
And, if I wasn’t siting here writing this blog, I would be gathering MORE for ANTOHER 250k!

Well, what am I waiting for?!

*Runs off.*


Aww, [lying]I just couldn’t stay away from you guys! [/lying] ^_^
It’s as if I’m compelled to write this blog, nay, forced! So…

We clear? Good. Continue reading…

I believe my journey today is quite worthy of writing about. Maybe even noting, which ever one’s more important. I recall my journey too you in the desert of Shiatan, the many lands of “you-can-bake-brownies-on-this-sand,” sands.
So, was that brownie good? He-he.

The day, as I noted, or wrote down before was both awesome and adventurous! ^_^
It’s like everyday, just me waging senseless battle against unsuspecting monster! ^_^
[h] [/h]

Monster: I’m going too break your arms!
ME: You can’t break my arms ther like TWIZILERS! There impossible to break!
Monster: Do you know how I break TWIZILERS?!
*Makes impression of a TWIZILER hanging out of his mouth, and ripping it apart!*
ME: *Slaps monster*
Monster: Whyz your hand wet?
ME: Cuz I slobbered all over them.

And also:


Yep, what a great day.

WOOPS! Much like on my last blog, I must delay the continuation of this blog to put up the groceries!

Gold–I mean Hold on…

*Runs off… again.*

Praise the Lord! I didn’t break any eggs this time! ^_^ YAY!

Surprisingly, I’ve got nothing left to write. I’ve squeezed this juicy lemon a little too much, and got some of that acid-pulpy stuff in the lemon-aid! Oh-well.

*Quickly Gulps down lemon-aid*


Time to post my blog up on the web site! ^_^
Thanks for reading, and, please note, I’m not this weird in the real world! ^_^ Or am I?
[h] [/h]

Please have nice comments. I mean, come on, I gave you a brownie!

EDIT – Last minit EDITS done! ^_^

*Excitedly pushes enter.* ^_^


– Little preacher man.

10 thoughts on “Pockets full of GOLD!”

  1. umm yea you should give the money to people with cancer! how selfish of you.! lol just messing around.

  2. *Sniffles* WHY YOU GOTA BE SO MEAN!? T.T *Cries.*

    Oh, and thanks for the comment! ^_^

    – Little preacher man.

  3. It made me lol.

    Yeah. Today was pretty crappy, and it gets harder to make me lol when my day is crappy 😡 But I lol’d after I read this blog. x33

  4. Let us all pray to the dying kids in ethopia because we couldn’t give them 250k,
    -moment of silence-

  5. Lol! XD XD XD
    So what’s your IGN in that game?
    Lief Ericson? Haha. . . . . .

    ~LaZzz. . .

  6. Ya, I sorta figured that out. . . I forgot what the real one was, but I seem to like it that way! ^_^ YAY!

    – Little preacher man.

  7. yay! another TOP person!
    i’m Miyani, i’m from phoenix isle and i’m a seal master ^^.
    who r u, what isle, and what class be u? o.O
    and reading this kinda reminded me of listening to someone when they’ve had like,
    a whole pack of pop.
    fun time!
    anyway, if you happen to have a char in phoenix, please let me know ^^ i need another disciple!
    pleeeeeease i need rep points.
    byez ^^

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