Audition Madness!

Step up to the plate… Uh, stand! Now BOOGIE!
Audition MADNESS!


Get down on the dance floor and BOOGIE it up! Don’t let your bad moves weigh you down, let it ALL BOOGIE out!

If you ain’t feeling it, do some warm up’s, SKAT TO THE BEAT! BOOGIE!

Shake your body and get CRAZZZZZZZZZZY! BOOGIE!

Now, if your feeling it, Dance to the beat! BOOGIE!

Begin to dance now, let those new shoes dance, and BOOGI… *Record scratches.*

What? What’s this? why are you picking me up? NO! NO! PUT ME DOWN!

*Throws into the trash can!*

*Gasps for air!*

Oh, hello MMOTale reader. I hope you didn’t see any of that, that wasn’t very delightful.
EWW! A Banana PEEL!

*Shakes off*

Well, if you haven’t caught on by now, I have been getting into AUDITION MADNESS!

Dancing it up, and being — BOOGIE! — funky and wild!

And, don’t you forget, if you want to too, you can look me up and get your dance on with me!

*People angrily glare at me,*


*Dash’s off,*

[h] [/h]

Sorry, that was my blogs introduction. I decided to do something weird, that was still Audition related.
Don’t want to get banned now, do we? ^_^
I have been SO excited to play this game, AND I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHY?
Well, it is a Wizet and Nexon game, so it’s BOUND to be good! ^_^

Yeah, I’m writing this on Saturday. Probable not many people reading blogs today. So? You got a problem? Hu? Hu? No? Good. I had a Resses for breakfast. It was chocolaty. Too much Peanut Butter. I had a dancing competition with it. I crushed it. Then I licked it off my shoe. Yum. ^_^
[h] [/h]

I begin the download for Audition, giggling uncontrollable. After I slap my self a few good times, I patiently wait. What kind of dancing will be featured in this BOOGIE-RIFIC game made for BOOGI-RIFIC dancing?



*Jumps towards the computer screen and SMASHES the screen as sparks and other destructive explosions occur, leaving the entire room in flames and enshrouds the entire yard in smoke!*

OUCH! What was up with that?

Fine, I’ll play like the normal people. Geez. . .

*Pops knuckles*

All right, LET’S PLAY!

*Audition Setup: 2%*

Darn. . .

Now what do I do? I have my slaves– I mean, employees working to try and fix my precious computer screen.

*Glances around suspiciously.*
[h] [/h] BROKEN HEADER Z0MG!!!111!@%#$!&*!!^11

So, all you faithful Leifgreen blog readers, and not-so-faithful-Leifgreen-blog-readers, should all be expecting blogs about the one and only AUDITION! [b]BOOGIE![b/]

Man, why does this always happen. I, YET AGAIN, have NOTHING to write about.

OH! OH! I KNOW! Let’s go check on that setup, shall we? ^_^

*Audition Setup: 3%* -_-”

Oh, bother…

Well, one day in the far future will finally come theTime to BOOGIE with the happy inhabitance of the Audition world! ^_^

I’m done typing, and am about to post this blog now, happy? I KNOW! ^_^

EDIT – All right, all right, let’s try this. . .

SilverFX said: Try [ header ]
All, right, All right, I’m trying out your silly “Header” tag, and… Wait, WAIT LOOK! IT WORKS! ^_^

And, I have an important message for ALL of y’all! don’t lick any shoes, or you will all-”

*Accidentally pushes enter button, but not before LAST MINIT EDITS!*

DARN IT! Now I gotta edit it. T.T

– Little preacher man.

8 thoughts on “Audition Madness!”

  1. Then, forget it. The Whole point I wanted to download this is to relax for breaks and, I myself, take LONG breaks from MMO’s, so, looks like this is one MMO that’s not for me. . .

    – Little preacher man.

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