Hello moto!
this is like my second attempt to make a blog about my mmo day
after 5 days of bannedness (yes that is a word cause i say so)(i say so cause i am god of this blog)
theres a lot that happened so listen up and u will get a muffin!!!!(if you come to my house):
When I was banned I was so sad i got wasted on fruit punch!!! It had some kick in it
I was so drunk I even looked in the refrigerator for paper when my friend came over and wanted to print something( man that was so funny….at the time and i just added this part cause it might not be funny also this is not made up)
well i got banned before cause my story was not related to Maplestory so here is a sentence that is
I was mapling one maple day, when a mapler came up to me and he mapley told me to maple cc, in maple world, and I got so maple mad that I mapled him all the way to the other side of maple world.
I had a pretty good weekend on MS this week so here it is:
1. I finally lvled my lvl 36 warrior after 2 weeks and it seemed like it took forever but i was super happy
2. I joined an awesome guild, one of those guilds that advertised on basilmarket i thought why not?,the guild is called Pirates of MS and its pretty sweet. the guildmaster made me a jr after i gave him 2 steel bars and he in return gave me 150k! which is a lot for just 2 steel bars. Then I went training to wraiths in the subway with him(hes lvl 36 now) we made an awesome party there when a lvl 42 cleric joined and his friend that was lower lvl thief or a sin(dont no) joined ( he died lol)
it was awesome party! i had pretty good rage and the mage healed and had this move that cancelled out bad effects of rage.(while there i completed the flying mission(the balloon) for that Icarus kid)(I hope someday he gets to fly (sniff sniff))))(I had lots of paranthesiseseses there))))(EVEN MORE!!!!!!!))))))))))) also everyyone had pets except for me and those pets really had some bad attitudes!!!!
Currently our guild is waiting to do the guild quest(our highest lvl is 40 yup we are screwed)(lol by the time we get in we will all be lvl 100)69th in line
3. Yes I killed a snail!!! Good times …..good times!!
4. Wow did any one no that boars give out blue tickets (surprising cause they are not for lvl 40s or above)
5. Yay I actually managed to do 1 mission (hadnt done one for awhile) suks tho cause i thought i had that amoria cherry seed mission complete but i didnt have rite kind of feathers
6. Probably my biggest accomplishment this weekend was learning how to take screenshots!
Just clicked away(Click!Bam! Ahhh THE FLASH BLINDS MY EYES!!!!!ure on candid camera!!!!)
7. I got randomly famed for the first time I’m so happy and i have a pic of me wearing my nooby clothes(these clothes are babe magnets im telling u the truth!!)
1st pic: I had some fun and screwed around with this photo but this is a pic of me learninng how to do screen shots
2nd pic: Screaming at a fat man because hes an Elvis Impersonater
3rd pic: me wearing my noob clothes i was talking about(is it a coincidence that chineseboy12 logged in at the same time dun dun dun!!!!!!!
8. I killed a drake yes I used tons of pots but I killed one; I was bored
9. I also talked to lots of friends and met up with lots of them to train
well also anyone who cares about my series : A Hero’s Struggle um i didnt write anything yesterday but I am going to set up a schedule where i can write more
i basically created the plan for the chapter and i think it will be a thriller!!! also in skool today I thought of some things that I could include in the story line.
and thats the end of my first exciting maple day blog tune in next time as we discuss such big problems like the end of the world and the meaning of life but the most important question: how old is Grendel the really old!!!!
EDIT:WooHoo! 100 views u might be the 102 viewer who will it be?
bye bye bye (crap i accidently said bye 3 times instead of saying it 2 times)(comment if u feel like it)
bye bye bye bye (well i just overdid it there when will i ever learn how to say farewell…correctly!!!)
ZOMG! Wasted on fruit punch! You can get the “NewbIeNesS’ from that! O_O
By the way, GREAT BLOG!
EDIT: “Great Blog – Great job?” Get it, get it, get it, get it, get it?
– Little preacher man.
lol thx and jus so u no i did look in the frig for paper
my mind went: me hungry and i was actually sposed to look for paper lol
it means a lot that i was able to write a good blog, (now i can tell my parents im not a screw up this is the best day ever)
i gotta think of a sig.
(comment deleted)
Lol awesome blog!
-=The Nazgul=-
Muffins! 😀
Sorry, I only read the title.
hmmm, i got a question,
are u a boy or a girl? o.O;
i ask ppl and they say “o, a girl” and “duh, hes a dude”
~~confused, @___@;; ~~