A Hero’s Struggle Ch.15

Author’s Note

Hello, MMOerrrrrrrors!!!!!!!(errors!!!)(hehe snuck an ‘o’ in there)
well here is another chapter
gosh, don’t know what this is called but it’s like that same thing that happens in the book “Eldest”
you know where they switch off from characters, back and forth, well if anyone could tell me what that is then thanks!
okedoke, this character is important to the story in a major way
also I somehow made it 5 pages!!!(seriously the fight scene just went on and on, I didn’t even know I made an extra page till I looked back over it!!!)
well here it is, a good one, coming right at you, and AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!(rollercoaster goes down and struggles to hold on to chapter and read it on the way down)(yay going to Six Flags, Great America soon!That is the best place evar!!)

EDIT: oh and help me get to 100 likes!!!! Whoo!!!The big one-o-o, 101-1 dalmations!!!!!The number that is triple digited!!
ANOTHER EDIT: Whoo thx everyone, I finally made it to my first 100 likes! Lol, somehow though I got 104 and I needed like 7 likes for this one!Don’t know where they came from but that’s cool!

Chapter 15: Caught!

Boom! Boom! His clear, teal eyes flicked open, a sign that he had awoken from the fainting spell he had experienced a while ago. The rhythmic motion of bobbing, back and forth, made his blonde, almost golden, strands of hair hop up every uprising. The young boy wore a dirty grey T-shirt, which was badly ruined, and orange shorts. He lifted the top half of his body, using his hand to support him. Staring around, the boy, Richard could see he was in a dark cave with a low ceiling. The hanging stalactites where close enough to touch. Turning around and looking downward, he suddenly let out a deep breath of exclamation. He was lying on a green, portable bed, but the source of the shock had come from the creatures that were carrying him.

They were monsters that wore blue, spiked caps and had white, almost circular-shaped bodies that were enduringly lifting the bed up and making a progressive movement, shuffling along the dirt track. Their steps were miniature and it was a wonder that they were even gaining distance.

“Hey!” Richard let out, in a convincing shout.

“What do you think you’re doing?”he continued in the same tone.

Sets of odd, disturbed eyes looked inquisitively up at the bewildered figure. The creatures did not answer. The group was traveling in a big bunch together and bringing their captive with them. It could most positively be seen as a kidnaping. Their numbers were a range of forty to fifty, and escape seemed improbable. Looking away, unemotionally, and placing their eyes back towards the front, they started marching on once again.

Richard, of course, started getting confused. His memory took him back to the scene last stored in his head. A picture formed in his mind’s eye of a field polluted by rays of sunlight. He saw himself fighting these same, dastardly critters and remembered struggling and breathing hard. He recognized that the creatures had started drowning him out, swarming in a big crowd around him. But after that his image completely went blank. He figured, that he must have been un-conscience this whole time.


What seemed like hours later, the company finally halted their seemingly endless advancement. It was impossible to tell what time of day it was in the subterranean, the air was always littered with darkness, which brought a gloominess to the setting. Richard, with awe, watched the creatures. They were rushing around and setting up materials. In minutes, a small rest place was formed and the traffic of the mushes ceased. Groups of blue-clothed tents were risen all around him and sticks were placed, accordingly, to make smoldering fires.

The two members of the organization, holding him, gave him a brisk push forward and he went hurtling forward. His bare knees collapsed and scraped against the cold, and very solid ground. In no time, they wrapped a chain of steel links around his leg and hammered the stake deep into the tough ground. The creatures scattered off into their own destinations and the prisoner was left, unguarded.

For a moment, the boy sat there, with his knees sprawled out on the rock-hard dirt floor, and stared off into space, apparently thinking. He rested there lazily, trapped in a world of despair.

These monsters seemed to hold intelligence and Richard began thinking, scared, that they had a reason and an intention for taking away his freedom. His confused thoughts spun around his head and wiped him out into an uneasy sleep.


Many days later, Richard had calmed down slightly and relaxed a bit as he was required to walk with the malicious pack, or else get dragged away with the cuffs binding his hands. The cuffs were like a chain for a pet, used to cancel all attempts of getting away.

His legs became burning with pain from the endurance they had to outlast every progressive venture. Every time it seemed the agony couldn’t get any more horrible, the party would come to a stop and bring their shelters skillfully up. Luckily, the gruesome animals would install his shackles where anyone would rarely stumble upon. The locations were dreadfully uncomfortable, but he was willing to push that unpleasantry aside in his brain.

Due to boredom, he had discovered a task to keep him busy during these intervals of time, and had possibly opened up a means of escape also. He picked a lengthy light stick off of the dead ground. Waving his hand around, the simple test showed him that this stick was alright. He lurched forward and made the branch cut forward. Pivoting on one foot, he quickly swung his body around. Clenching the twig with both arms, he shot out of his position and flailed it around, moving harmoniously along with its excellent figures that waved through the swaying air. He continued to repeat the procedure for as long as he could. He seemed to dance with the weapon, fighting off imaginary enemies and leaping to and fro. Sweat rolled off of his forehead and his stunning hair was wet from working so hard.

As he trained more and more, his strength and endurance improved. Furthermore, the mushes had taken him a long way from the original starting point. The land around them began transforming. Before them lay the colder, darker chambers of rock, conquered by their strange party. Ahead of them blossomed a place with color and life. Plants thrived everywhere and really made the area shine with sparkling beauty.

Perambulating onward, Richard looked more fit and healthy, but his thoughts were upsetting. Having a little more courage he felt more sure of himself but he also knew he couldn’t run away because this land was unknown to him. Plus, curiosity took his brain into a whirlwind of situations for why he was here that could possibly exist.


Light beamed through the rocky cave opening. Not far away, flowed a rushing creek of clear, refreshing water. Excitedly bounding forward, Richard stumbled as he brought two monsters along with him. The three of them crashed, in a big mess, onto the light brown earth. Groaning, Richard slowly rose again from the ground, and two dust circles on his knees were left as a souvenir from the fall.

That night, their camps were set up in a big clearing next to a mountain passage. Richard did not conduct his usual session of training. He stretched out on the ground, his foot chained up. He had finally gotten out into fresh air, and had been overflowed with joy to see the marvelous sun.

He lay flat on the hard ground with his eyes closed from the descending light glaring from the red sun. The sky was painted with purple and a smudge of red and tiny dots of light started to twinkle in the greatness of it. The remaining curved edge of light from the sun shone an amazing shadow on the many hills in the distance. In minutes it would vanish from the sky, and would leave all in darkness. A breeze settled in and blew in a calm way. Calm, the relaxed boy breathed, releasing all his troubles and letting them join the ending day. Later, the dazzling, silver moon had an unbelievable white reflection of the sun penetrating through it but Richard was already fully asleep to enjoy it.


He was shaken into awareness the following day, and Richard grouchily drew his eyelids apart and half of his pupils could be seen. The sun was blinding and burning with even more determination than before, which made him blink several times. Arising from his slumber, his joints cracked as he stretched his body, his arms reaching for the sky.

Prodded in the back by the mushes he unwillingly was led into one of the bigger tents. A striking figure of a mush stared up at him. He picked up something from a table and shoved the scrap of paper into Richard’s hands. On the paper, at first, looked like a bunch of squiggles had been drawn, but as he looked into the contents of it for a longer time he noticed these pictures corresponded with one another.

In a brief scurry, the camp was packed up and the planning enemies of his were ready to take off. He knew his purpose, but he feared what would happen after his abilities had been used for the better of the monsters and there was no further reason to keep him.

Moments later, after a short track through the mountains, Richard strolled along. He was almost there, he could see his goal right ahead of him. A shadow appeared in his eyesight ahead of him.
Richard entered the tent and the flap of the entryway floated down back to its regular place.

With a slightly trembling tone Richard said,” I’m here to buy a dungeon scroll, please?”

“What would you need a dungeon scroll for and that’s an expensive scroll, kid, you better make sure you have enough money,” the straight-faced shopkeeper warned.

“That’s ok, I have enough money and I don’t need to tell you the intentions for it,” Richard replied in a steadier voice.

The exchange of goods was made and Richard exited the little hut. The shadow he had seen before had made its way towards the potion shop and was now close enough to examine.

As the person came nearer to him, he could perceive a face with courageous eyes burning with a fire. Richard walked past him, trying to keep an expressionless face. But as he passed by him, he noticed the boy stared at him intently. He returned the stare. A strange feeling manifested itself inside him. The boy felt a slight unnecessary feeling of hate for the human. The feeling receded as the boy trailed off into his own path and Richard headed forward, thrust along by the two mushes hiding behind him.

Richard felt uncommonly tranquilized. The feeling of fear had dissipated as he had become more used to the creatures. In his mind, he argued with himself of what plan of action to take, or whether it was dumb to even take one. It blocked out every other thought. He had a basic plan but it was reckless and a quickly thought up one.

Taking a chance, he took one last breath of security and plunged into a scene of trouble. He bent down, while shoving the scrolls in his pocket and twisted his body fully around. The mush guards behind him were taken aback as the rushing, wooden stick swung around at them and pierced through. The first had died with a noiseless and surprised look on its face. The second one had recovered a little, but had been to slow to dodge. This outburst set his plan into motion.

The death shout of the second mush ringed through the still atmosphere and signaled an admonition to the others, close to the perimeters of the vibrations of sound. He sprinted towards the portal with two speedy mushes following behind him. A mush popped out right in front of him and responding energetically, he shoved the weapon into its gut while it was still flying in the air. The two villains behind him were almost next to Richard.

As he turned his body around, his reflexes swiftly told him to shift sideways and his own self- motions awoke rapidly after that and angled his arm out to the side to kill the charging mush. The other one slid to a stop, pushing up billowing dust in its path. They both looped around to face each other’s fronts. Both lunging forward at the same time, they soon met up and Richard performed a leap over it’s pointed down head, and while in the air over the oblivious monster he stabbed the sword into its white and unusually shaped skin.

The army of mushes had come to join in the battle behind their fallen comrades. A mixture of excitedness, qualm, and rage filled Richard’s heart. He had no choice but to carry out the effects of his decision.

The mush soldiers began splitting up in to two lines and began trotting in a circumference around him, trying to surround him. Richard, with a ton of haste, ignited a quick bolt towards the line on his right. He bashed into the first one and split it in half with a swift horizontal slash. Performing some other fancy maneuvers he took down the small band in front of him implementing upper-cuts, various slashes and quick springs forward.

Still at a run, he vertically rushed his sword through the air molecules over his head. The collision of the sword, collided into its shell, not slaying the creature. The creature tried head-butting him, but in a flash he spun around, tapping his feet excellently on the ground and coming out of the evasive move, located behind the mush. The sword flung into its back and it went down. He agilely progressed forward and pretending to leap up, he brought his slight dart up, and back down and rotated the sword, with furious momentum under his arm. The un-expecting mush got chopped from the bottom with a fiery under-cut. A duo teamed up and blocking their double attack, Richard deflect it with his sword. They aggressively kept pushing, and his feet, firmly dug into the ground, lost traction and brought him backwards from their strong force. He jolted upwards, sliding his sword off their defense mechanisms and launched into the air. He killed both of them, immediately stabbing them with strokes coming from the front to the back of him.

There were mushes scattered everywhere on the small arena on top of the mountains. The one most noticeable was their commander, who was impressively greater in size than the others. Bounding towards him from across the big platform, Richard brought his sword straight out, trying to go for an easy kill. The mush reacted, quicker than everyone else, and parried the strike with his protecting, spiky hat. Then it burst forward and made him glide painfully backward, and then tripping over a unfortunate rock on the ground, he fell. He rolled backward getting quickly up.

Richard breathed hard and in deep huffs. He was becoming exhausted and his image in his head flashed back to his last un-triumphal rendezvous. Unwilling to let that happen, he braced himself again and fled towards the mush executive. This time the hit made it slink back a little space and he struck once more with a follow-up smack. The retreating mush jerked its head to the side, making his impacting sword heave off-center. Richard went with the motion and made a revolution with incredible speed, accelerating the sword to a more awesome velocity.

An astounding crack was heard as the ferociously volant knock on its head penetrated into the skull of the mush. The helmet of the mush ripped off and Richard landed on his face from the sudden and astonishing event. He wasted no time, rolling over he accidently evaded a stomp by the cap-less mush and then he finished it with a final blow, his sword soaring straight into the center of the white mass. Its mouth opened wide and it chocked a bit, a roar rang out symbolizing its final breath had been taken.

After the murder, the survivors cleared the battle field, seeing that they had lost. The boy sat there, breathing arduously, and a grin planted on his face. His mission had gone successfully, but he wanted more for his effort. He lusted for a reward, to be known, to be a champion. But no one would have cared for the struggles taken place here. People would walk through this place of slaying and only casually would look at the dead forms lying on the ground. But he had no clue of that, he was just happy to still live. For now, he had overcome and escaped, a feat that not many could brag about at his level of experience. Soon more would come, even stronger than before, tracking him down, and attempting to kill the young hero, but for now he was overflowed with joy to think about all these irregular questions.

7 thoughts on “A Hero’s Struggle Ch.15”

  1. WOW
    as i knew already
    I HATE IT! D=<

    no dont im just kidding i LOVE it
    sry if i gave you a heart attack >xP
    yeah this was ABSOLUTLEY GRRRRRREEEAT!(tony the toiger )
    and is that the guy that the other guy saw and didnt like for some reason?
    you sure know how to keeep a story going


  3. am i spamming your blog?
    and this is a great way to put the story!

  4. HELLO!?!?!


    and what am I?!?!?CHOP SUEY?!?!?
    i am NOT chop suey!
    and me who read every chapter and everythingamajig
    I’m Not Recognized As Being Supreme Numbah 1 Fan?!?!

    as a Dinogirl once said:
    I’m Pissed Grawr!

  5. oh and im sorry im spamming your blog
    i have many after thoughts -.-;
    but im still simmering in unblinking rage

    well maybe not a word as strong as rage
    more like im really angry

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