A Hero’s Struggle Ch.1

Wow my second day on this site already and I’m already writing a story
ok guess I should say some stuff like the author’s notes
Author’s note: I wrote author’s note, I’m starting out pretty good
This story introduces the character’s world and how he views it
I have not written a conflict yet at all ( so dont complain about that)
The third one will introduce like the whole big conflict thing
so I guess you should judge it on the way of writing and also wait till the 3rd one to just give up on this series
basically I was just gonna make this like a story about a warrior who trains to become a hero and describe some of my experiences but once I started reading other stories I realized I had to have a conflict
So I made up a big secret that to me sounds pretty stunning
it will be action packed Ex. it will not just say i stabbed him and he was dead but i will try to make it more detailed
second one will come out at like Friday or Saturday for sure( I think for sure) Im not sure if for sure but it should be for sure( i’m sure)
also anything italicized are thoughts

EDIT: I don’t no how to do italics so I put parantheses over all thoughts
someone plz tell me how to italicize words also how to bold words if u can

EDIT: I italicized all the thoughts and everything is greeeeaaaaatttttt!!!! Plz comment me

Chapter 1: The Surprising Encounter(Action Packed!)

The world’s breath of life whisked into my soul, and I was born. My eyes blinked open, my tiny brain activated, my body came into motion, and I was alive. Now I cant speak much on this subject as there lies no hint in my mind’s eye that this event ever occurred. I do not even know how I came to be in this world, which was Scania, channel 9, and I have only attained this information because of common sense of how we, maplers, are born. I sense that someone from another state of existence has put me in this world and I feel as though they are writing my life out on a huge non-existent keyboard, but all that must be baloney. Enough of this boring stuff, lets move on to 10 years later where my journey really begins.

10 years later….

I got up out of my bed, a patch of soft grass, just waking up from a good, long night’s sleep. I was in a great, vast field which expanded in every direction as far as the eye could see. I had been wandering these flat fields for as long as I could remember. Everyday, nothing happened, the scenery never changed, and darkness finally crept onto me ending each, dull day. Along the trail that I happened to be following that day, I would find fruit which kept my hunger from overtaking me and I knew this food supply would never run out because of the great, abundance of it. But today the same boring procedure wasn’t in affect. As I walked along the trail, out of the corner of my eye I spotted a glimpse of red slide by.

What was that?! As my mind started to panic, partly from the reason that it had to actually get up and think from the sudden change, I reassured myself that it was nothing. I started walking again after I got over that brief wave of terror. A sound ,like a murmur, was heard. Alarm rushed into my head again. Nothing! It was nothing! Just the wind picking up. After that startling moment, I started to cruise along the path that I had set for myself again at a slightly quicker pace. A slurp came from nowhere, or at least what I made out to be a slurp. Confusion and fear started clinging to my head as my mind screamed. Aaaaaaaaahhh!!!! No, no, just shut up. You’re overreacting. It was…it was….nothing? Once again my heart had over-ruled the idea of some thing being out here. I continued again, at a walking swiftness which was almost a jogging motion. For a few minutes nothing happened and I was relieved. Haha. I was just making stuff up. Besides how could there possibly be anything else out here.

Bump! My eyes fluttered back to life as I noticed another set of eyes in front of mine. For a second I stood there, my feet frozen with shock, dumbfounded. Then as my feet came back into my control, I quickly turned around and started sprinting as fast as my feet would go and then Wham! I was on the ground, apparently having tripped over an object implanted in the earth. My face stung and I rolled over, trying to keep myself from fainting. My mind went I have to get up. Get away from this strange presence. My breath came slowly to me and I struggled to get back up. “Owww!,” I let out a wail of agony as my side gripped me with pain from the fall. My vision had fully come back to me now and I scanned my surroundings. A group of creatures, that had some sort of red shells on their backs covering a long, slimy tail that left behind ooze and seemed to make up the rest of their bodies which had a pair of clear white eyes attached to them, advanced on me. I started clawing my hands at the ground furiously, moving backwards, trying to get away. My spirits of hope sank away as the gang of bloodthirsty monsters started inching closer and closer. Stumbling backwards, I flipped myself around excruciating pain to my body.

Suddenly, my hand felt something lying on the ground. Yes! I can try using this stick to try and ward them off. I leaped up onto my feet swiftly and with great haste, surprising some of the creatures and causing them to flip onto their backs. I glanced around and saw that they were everywhere now, having snuck up on me as I lay on the ground before. I was not going to give these monsters the satisfaction of defeating me. With intense fear I rushed into one of them and in a stab like motion, pricked one of them with my stick. It did not back up, if anything I had made it angry. Oh crap, I’m doomed. Don’t be a wimp, fight on! I slashed at the snail with my wooden weapon and then my face turned into a grin as I slay the beast. A bright light surrounded me for a second, and somehow I felt as though it brought more power to me and replenished me. I immediately forgot about the kill and executed others. With more determination I started to finish off others. Fear was in their eyes. I hoped that fear would last because as the fight went on I started getting more tired. The snails, what I decided to call them, were retaliating. Gaining on me, they knew I was about done. With one last will of power, I struck one as hard as I could. My energy was decreasing as I started wacking more of them. Some snails were starting to back off.

Then only one was left. It was not scared, it was enraged, ready to get revenge. It whizzed past me as I stepped to the side. Then it charged at me again, this time managing to make me lose my balance. It tripped me, but before it could get away I took a shot at my opponent’s rear, hitting it hard enough to crack its back. I was up on one knee before the monster rushed at me once again. But before it could hit me, I dived over it. Turning around rapidly I took a fast swipe at the snail. It was on the ground breathing hard, blood pouring out of its side. It was afraid, petrified. I won’t go down to its level. So I spared the snail’s life, letting it go back to his quest of survival. Another flash of brilliant light came from with in me and I felt even more powerful.

Wow, what’s this! Some sort of gold trinkets. I decided to pick these items of value up. The battle field was surprisingly clearing up as the monsters dissolved into thin air. Standing on the field, I looked like I hadn’t washed myself for months. Dirt was sprinkled on my face, my legs had lots of bruises, and I was holding a long sword-shaped stick. I certainly didn’t look like I had just come home from the Dairy Queen. Surprisingly, I was not at all tired and felt like I could run a mile.

Thump!, Oh no! I’m hearing vibrations again. Thump!, The disturbance sounded closer, but I couldn’t see anything. (Don’t worry, with my trusty hitting stick I can do anything.) Thump!, I was starting to feel less super, and was more spooked. Where is this noise coming from. Oh mommy!!! Thump! The sound was louder and more clear. Wait! What was that? It seems like I just saw something hop. Boo!, “Aaaaahh!,” I screamed at the top of my throat, but I knew know one would help me, there was nobody else. At least that is what I thought. Run, Stupid! my brain thought. Oh right, ok! And so the chase began as I started to run, and run, and run some more. I was still running in this next sentence too. The green blob of nothingness, which had two eyes coming out of it and a floppy antenna like thing on top of its head, or body, started hop, hop, hopping after me and was thinking Mmm!Lunch!!!

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hope you liked it
plz give suggestions and tell wut u liked
hey comment me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ta! ta! fare de well!

2 thoughts on “A Hero’s Struggle Ch.1”

  1. Not bad!

    (Oh and, for italics, do [ i ] before the text and [ / i ] after the text. Without the spaces.)

    (Replace i with b for bold, or h for highlighted.)

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