How to Entertain Yourself

Gasp more cursing! Shield your virgin eyes, ye who will be offended.

Ever since this new skill system finally hit, I’ve found no reason to really level. It’s as if I made my mark and now I’m ready to give up. I’m not, though.

It’s just like I was on Lammy, I’m waiting until I’m tired of being level seventy. Yet, I already want to be higher, but can’t find the motivation to do so.

So, in the meantime, I’m putting together a little guide for all those people that take pleasure in seeing other people fall.

When they ask questions.

No matter what, they are always going to randomly come up and ask questions or demand something. So, here are some simple ways to annoy them.

1. Just say ‘Why?’ after everything they say. – It’s something we’ve all done as a child. Yet, everytime some idiot in the game falls for it. Though, you can also pull out some wit at some of these answers as well.

Noob>> can i hav sum buffs plz?
Assist>> Why?
Noob>> becuz i am weak
Assist>> Why?
Noob>> becuz i suk
Assist>> Why should I buff someone that sucks?
(By the way, this actually happened before.)

2. Just spam crap after they asked. – Someone once said here that they put random crap in their hotkey bar and spammed it everytime someone randomly asked something. I did the same. I only did it twice, but it was hilarious both times.

Noob>> hey could u plvl me?
Binseon>> LVL PLZ*
Binseon>> BUFFZ PLZ*
Binseon>> MONEYZ PLZ*
Binseon>> PLVL PLZ*
Binseon>> PENYA PLZ*

*All this over and over again until he left.

One time, though, he didn’t leave. Just stood there as if I was still going to answer him. This tactic not only annoys the person asking, but every person within range.

3. Give wrong answers. – Only can be applied when they are asking for where something is or when something happens. It’s simple give the wrong answer.

Noob>> where is <Item>?
Binseon>> In the Demian town.
Noob>> Ok.
(Noob flies off.)
Binseon>> /g I’m so full of ****.
(Noob comes back ten minutes later.)
Noob>> i cant find it
Binseon>> It randomly spawns around there. The spawn rate is low, so it’s good to keep checking.
Noob>> k
(Noob flies off.)
Binseon>> /g I’m still full of ****.

I wonder if that guy really ever did find what he was looking for…

PK Server.

Go purple and hunt noobs in Saint Morning. It’s funny because they never see it comming, yet they somehow do. The smart one actually run and get on their board. Others just sit there and take it like a bitch.

It’s funny, you land beside them, and they just sit there. They barely acknowledge you. I can’t help but wonder if this is a quiz to them.

If someone with a purple name landed beside you, what do you do?
A. Stand and pray.
B. Run and board.
C. Ignore.
D. Go retarded and take it in the ass just like your dad does.

I’m not a professor, but I think B would be your best bet at surviving. Yet, most do D.

It’s not to show you are tough, that’s for sure.

Some even curse at you after they have died, as if they saw you landed and said to themselves, “You know, maybe he will come up to me and shower me with pixie dust,” only to be dissapointed as I cast windfield.

The end, for now.

5 thoughts on “How to Entertain Yourself”

  1. Killing noobs in the PK server, ftw.

    I saw a mass of exp boxes at the Flaris lodelight once, from where this guy had repeatedly died in the same area.

  2. Yeah, I always wondered how the purple and red names work. Now I know. XD

    How do you hotkey spam?

  3. I love tricking noobs.

    But then, I am also a noob in FlyFF. =__=

    I’ll just remember these tricks when I decide whether to be an Elementor or Psykeeper.


  4. SilverFx said: “Yeah, I always wondered how the purple and red names work. Now I know. XD

    How do you hotkey spam?”

    Put something in the chat box, but don’t press enter. Go over to the left where the sentence begins, and drag and drop that little chat box into a hotkey slot. Then, press the hotkey multiple times. Except, I had my whole bar filled and had my fingers randomly dance along the keys.

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