Before the Blog

I’ve realised recently that people that read my blog still have no idea what it was like before being a Jester. I’ll tell you, it wasn’t easy. Though, I do believe it is important to know this.

I started playing a few months before version five. It’s amazing looking back now at what a change little FlyFF has made over these months. It’s almost amazing now that I still play. Anyway, on with it.

When I was downloading, I made my account, looked up a build and decided on a Blade class. I was going for a traditional Blade build. I started playing during the event where you collect the buckets and seeds. To this day, I have no idea what that event is called. I leveled up, made a few friends, and made a lot of money for someone starting out.

Through all the levels I played as a Mercenary, I was intrigued by a class I was only seeing for the first time. The class was untouched, as it was for many months to come. Even then, I saw little starting Acrobats. The class intrigued me. They used yo yos and bows. I saw maybe one yo yo Acrobat, and that’s when I realized that’s what I wanted to be.

I sent everything to my newfound character, Lamvao. I looked up a build, which was hard to do. The build was the exact same thing as the Blade build I was going for. Yet, they were much different. Yet, I didn’t mind.

I noticed it was harder to level the first few levels of being an Acrobat. Even still, I made many friends and by level twenty, I was in a guild. It seemed people were intrigued about yo yo Acrobats yet at the same time were afraid to try them. I didn’t mind, I really liked being unique. Might want to make people try the class.

By now, I wish I had known about the Display Damage toggle. I probably would have been scared to play them myself. All this time, I thought yo yos were strong, I was optimistic! I just thought I was slacking behind. I didn’t think anything of it.

I was in for a wake up call.

Before the Blog II

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