After like, forever of not updating I am once again to say…:
I’m now a Sin in Scania! Yep, leveled to 30. I have a screenie, I’m just too lazy to turn on my laptop and get it at the moment. >.>
She looks pretty spiffy (go see her in the rankings) as does AlleyWolf who I got to level 36 during the day I played on her during Thanksgiving break.
In my last blog I know I said I prob’lly wouldn’t be buying anymore NX for a while ’cause I like the thief clothes, but I failed. XD I bought her an overall and then some wings during the Black Friday thingy.
Um… Yeah. It’s past midnight. >.> I go sleep now.
Oh yeah, still going to Germany for Christmas so if you talk to me on MSN/MS you won’t see me from the 20th to the 3rd (I added a day on each side for packing/sleeping & school)
That’s all. Night night.
You guys (and gals) are awesome!
Like a opposum!
‘Cause opposums are awesome!
Hey! Tarea Gratis, eh buddy?
Unless zomg. You’re not the German kid in my Spanish class.
My Silver Hawk is called Opossum.
I always knew it was cool. 
good job. keep up the good work
-Hugs- ._.
Isn’t it opossum?
Er. Or should I not correct that? .____.;;
*is hugged* XD Yay hugs! X)
ShiningWings- I have absolutely no idea. XD So correct away if you know the right way to spell it. Correct spelling is good for the sOooOoOOOOooul. XD
You have no idea who I am do you? *Sigh*. Ask Aliyah, or. . . read her blogs and view the “Aaron” section.
cool. i got excited when i was a sin, took me a year. thats good, i thought everyone had “aim messenger” instead,
Hey I remember you!
Your cleric is still on my BL