
After like, forever of not updating I am once again to say…:

I’m now a Sin in Scania! Yep, leveled to 30. I have a screenie, I’m just too lazy to turn on my laptop and get it at the moment. >.>

She looks pretty spiffy (go see her in the rankings) as does AlleyWolf who I got to level 36 during the day I played on her during Thanksgiving break.
In my last blog I know I said I prob’lly wouldn’t be buying anymore NX for a while ’cause I like the thief clothes, but I failed. XD I bought her an overall and then some wings during the Black Friday thingy.

Um… Yeah. It’s past midnight. >.> I go sleep now.
Oh yeah, still going to Germany for Christmas so if you talk to me on MSN/MS you won’t see me from the 20th to the 3rd (I added a day on each side for packing/sleeping & school)
That’s all. Night night.

You guys (and gals) are awesome!
Like a opposum!
‘Cause opposums are awesome!

9 thoughts on “Alleymon=Sin”

  1. *is hugged* XD Yay hugs! X)

    ShiningWings- I have absolutely no idea. XD So correct away if you know the right way to spell it. Correct spelling is good for the sOooOoOOOOooul. XD

  2. You have no idea who I am do you? *Sigh*. Ask Aliyah, or. . . read her blogs and view the “Aaron” section.

  3. cool. i got excited when i was a sin, took me a year. thats good, i thought everyone had “aim messenger” instead,

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