Pro/Con part I: Archers

Yeah, I’m doing archers first. If I miss something, tell me.

Unparalleled accuracy (yay for soloing spears at 56)
Insanely useful 3rd job skills (strafe =D)
Unlimited arrows in 2nd job
Cheapest of the two “physical” ranged classes
Cheaper equips in later levels
Largest range of any class
2nd job mob skills
Critical hit in 1st job
2nd best avoid

Slow leveling at times
Lack of jump shooting
Insanely useful skills are in 3rd job
Lack of party skills till 4th job
Equips are expensive in lower levels
Can’t shoot at close range until a few levels into 3rd job
Damage is insanely wild until mastery

Archers are the most powerful physical range classes (the other class is assassin). It’s a guilty pleasure of some to see a warrior attempt to hit a monster and miss constantly, and then you come by and don’t miss once (I’m guilty of that). An advantage of sorts is we get overalls at lvl 50, meaning we can scroll for dex without having to use a sauna robe or some lower level overall (example, some warriors use chain mail till level 80).

Archers have two sub-classes, hunter and crossbow (wo)man. The very basic difference between the two is very slight (so close it’s hard to have a pro/con per sub-class), hunters can pull off more attacks in a minute, and xbows deal more damage per attack. In the end, it balances out, and the total damage per minute is relatively the same. Even in the job skills, they’re very close together. The only major difference for 2nd job is the mob skills they have. Hunters have a weaker skill, arrow bomb, but gain the advantage of stunning and the arrows can “curve”. Xbows have iron arrow, which is more powerful, but can’t “curve” or stun. This is reversed in the 3rd job, where rangers get inferno, which is more powerful and can crit, and snipers get blizzard, which is less powerful and can’t crit, but can freeze. Apparently, come 4th job, there’s a wider split. But otherwise, most of the skills are just bow type specific, and cosmetically different.

10 thoughts on “Pro/Con part I: Archers”

  1. You also forgot that all archers are noobs!
    Sins can kill them in their sleep.

    LOL! J/k =P

  2. Rangers are just pwn.
    End of discussion, for me.

    [edit] @Brittles: Your joke isn’t funny. Not when it uses terms like ‘noob’, which people might find potientally offensive.

  3. Bandits pwn harder than archers. D: Blame my character, not me!

    Especially nub bandits like me.

  4. hey hey hey, I’m not saying one class is better than the other, I’m trying to show what’s good and what’s bad about them.

  5. Archers have two sub-classes, hunter and crossbow (wo)man.


    Yay. Someone adds woman to it.

    You also forgot that all archers are [u]noobs![/u]

    I’d slap you when a tuna fish if you weren’t joking.

  6. SweetAznPunk said: “

    Archers have two sub-classes, hunter and crossbow (wo)man.”


    Yay. Someone adds woman to it.

    Yeah, my leader back in Blizzard was an xbow, so it sort of rubbed off.

  7. Umm. I was joking guys, No need to take it seriously.
    I don’t call people ‘noobs’, hence the joke.
    *Points at KWSN* He knows me well enough to know I wasn’t being serious.
    And I would never call anyone that. But, whatever.
    Sorry if I insulted anyone.

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