PQ’s Part II

I hate PQ’s.

I do, they’re the same thing over and over again, with little change (grinding can be argued to be the same, but that’ll be covered). Then there’s the waiting. And waiting. And more waiting. OH CRAP CLICK! Wow, miss again. Parties for PQ’s are so hit and miss it’s not funny. And it seems to be more of the miss type.

Ever since Orbis PQ came out, my friend has been obsessed with it. He can not go one level without doing it. And these are rush PQ’s too, so he gets no rewards except EXP.

Am I jealous? Yes.

He also plays the market for his money. what! Personally, I think that puts him at the level of the people who are all like, “B> SCROLLS@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@”, buy a staff att for 500k, then sell it for 2 mil in the FM.

Now about grinding. Grinding I think is better, why?

One of my best friends is a lvl 33 sin, she can’t get into OPQ. She stalks me all the time. Annoying as she is, she’s great to have around.

Secondly, you make money three ways. Money dropped, etc drop, and other drops. Plus, why bother to pay 7.5 mil for a glove att scroll when you can get the same off a mixed golem for 100k worth of pots a run. That, and you’re making money while you do it.

Is this rant petty? Probably. But I felt I need to get this out.

3 thoughts on “PQ’s Part II”

  1. No, working FM does not make you at that lvl to scam noobs who do not know the current scroll prices. And besides, he has to work FM to get money since all he does in OPQ is rush.

  2. I know, but this is my personal view on it, and it rather annoys me.

    Edit: they even tried scamming me, a mage even with a staff tried it (and this guy was at least 8x).

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