I’m going to get it for this

Just saw a thread on basil saying “archers are underrated”. In a way, we are. Compared to all the other classes, we have fewer high levels, and every class has higher levels than us. Go to the GMS rankings, and search for the 10000th rank for each job, if you noticed archer’s are in the 50’s compared to everyone else’s.

Going back to the thread, someone posted this:

“strafe? copycat with more damage? don’t make me laugh , and just to let u know, when u wanna put classes from strongest to weakest it’s:
warrior> hermit & mage> sniper> ranger> cb
not including priests because they arent attackers
so in fact, rangers are the weakest job right after cb”

Strafe does more damage than copycat actually. Maxed strafe has 4 arrows at 100% power. Maxed copycat has 2 stars at 80% power, and 2 others at 50% (considering if the thief uses lucky 7, which is likely). This means strafe can do anywhere from 400 to 800% damage, where copycat can do 260 to 660%. But, copy cat has an advantage of two attacks at once (like two avengers) compared to the archer’s one (can only do arrow rain one at a time for example)

Now, saying rangers are the weakest after CB’s is bull. In reality, rangers and snipers have almost identical damage per minute. Rangers are slightly faster than snipers, but snipers are slightly more powerful. Same with hermits. Hermits are faster than rangers, but rangers are more powerful, so it’s a balance really.

Regarding mages: they gain a tremendous advantage against enemies weak to their element, same with WK’s.

Man, I gotta do a pro/con series now for jobs.

6 thoughts on “I’m going to get it for this”

  1. I know, but I’m saying that you’re less likely to find a 1xx ranger/sniper than any other class. Just how it seems.

  2. You know, your percentages are off. You forgot to include criticals, damage reduction, stuff like that, I think.

    Every class has their pros and cons. You should just support the class you like, instead of bashing others as well.

  3. Ok to top this off, all the classes are pretty much even. If one class can do a lot more damage than another, that other class makes up for it in speed. If one class’ damage sucks, it makes up for it in another area.

  4. @deathflow: That’s what he said.

    Which is why it irks me for people to claim superiority across classes in Maplestory. >>;
    Though admittedly, sometimes, the way the classes are balanced out makes certain classes slightly more challenging to play.

  5. TheReplaced said: “You know, your percentages are off. You forgot to include criticals, damage reduction, stuff like that, I think.

    Every class has their pros and cons. You should just support the class you like, instead of bashing others as well.”

    Regarding the %’s, I did include crit, which is +100%, not 2x, and this is regarding maxed skills.

    regarding pro/con: look at my MMOid, I’m doing something like that already.

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